2. http://dicionarioforum.blogspot.com
●A, sem - to help determine
●ARQUIVOS, carregar -http://forum.wordreference.com/image...lapse_tcat.gif
ADVENTO – Avènement e não avent. Avent é o advento mas de Cristo - "l'avent de la révolution nationale" reste obscur s'agit-il de l'avènement, de la période qui a précédé? puisque l'avent en français est la période qui précède noël dans la religion catholique.
Non cette métaphore ne serait pas comprise en français. Si vous désirez mettre en avant l´importance de la Révolution vous pouvez écrire, par exemple:- à la veille de l´avènement de la Révolution - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=343738&goto=newpost
MEDIDAS - Vocabulario de ropa/medidas
UN ou un litre - Il en faut un litre - ou plutôt - Il en faut un -
SENSIBILISATION? - A greater awarness
Beauty of thought
PORT1 PORTUGUÊS1 - como / que nem / feito
how to say "i wore"
Douche / Douche Bag?
●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ●
●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ●
avare, économe
Douche / Douche Bag?
Jump, that - that jump
group bodies
lunares - Les différentes acceptions de "Lunares".
viaje al exterior
●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ●
●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ●
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'throughout time / for all time'
English definition in French in Italianconjugator in context images
We found no Spanish translation for 'robasueños' in the English-Spanish Dictionary.Look for a definition in the English dictionary.Did you want to translate 'robasueños' from Spanish to English?
so much has happened since i last wrote...
●●●PARENTEESCOGRAUSDE ●●●SUORcomosuordoseurosto
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Can some one help me translate "friable asbestos" into Spanish. Thanks!
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?Como se dice "introduce them to each other"?
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●●● each other –
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?Como se dice "introduce them to each other"?
3rd October 2005, 07:11 PM
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A lhéngua Mirandesa é falada em Portugal.
●●● pasante –
Today, 09:44 PM
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pasante - pasantía
●●● PENSAR, maneira de –
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●●● Status-quo thinks –
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Status-quo thinks
●●● SUORcomosuordoseurosto –
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sortir de leurs corps
●●● Underrun
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●●● YearsANOS –
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how to say the years
●●● http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=324492&goto=newpost
senior citizen
jouer à l'innocent
sous-développé, non industrialisé ; a developing contry – un pays en voie de développement
GERÚNDIO - Un uso del gerundio en inglés
POTERY - Multilingual Dictionary of Pottery Words - English/Portuguese (sites)TELEMÓVEL, software - Jamba - Software Telemóvel English Portuguese Dictionary
●A esse ponto - En ningún año hemos llegado a ese punto
●ACCOUNTSdepartment- Diffrence between finance department & accounts department
●AGATHA2 - http://forum.wordreference.com/private.php
●am not! / are too! (COLOQUIAL)
●AFIN de, afin que - [PDF] FR FR - (procurar em localizar nesta página - há lá muitos afin de)
●am not! / are too! (COLOQUIAL)
●anorak - a puffy jacket - This is used in the description of ski/snowboarding jackets. I came across 'puffy jacket', 'puffy down or synthetic insulation', 'puffy liner'. I tried 'grosse veste' ou 'isolation vaporeuse' but they don't seem entirely satisfying. Does anyone have a better way to translate 'puffy' in this context?Merci
D'après les images que je trouve en tapant "puffy jacket", je dirais bien une doudoune ou un anorak...
●Asparagus spears
●avare, économe
●BACK - behind one's back - por trás das costas, sem dar conhecimento,
●BEHIND one's back - por trás das costas, sem dar conhecimento, pela
●BIBLIOTECAS em linha - Dictionnaires en ligne
Dictionnaires en ligne. De nombreuses ressources linguistiques sont mises à ... tels que le Robert & Collins ou le Harrap's pour l'anglais-français ou tels ...www.redaction.be/ressources/dictionnaires.htm - 15k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
●BOAS Festas, Feliz Ano Novo - "schöne Feiertage und einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr" - http://forum.wordreference.com/private.php
●BRADICÁRDIA - Bradicardia sinusal y fibrilación ventricular
Qué son Clasificación Síntomas Diagnóstico Tratamiento Braquicardia sinusal y Fibrilación ventricular Fibrilación auricular y Taquicardia ...www.ondasalud.com/edicion/noticia/0,2458,81031,00.html - 33k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
●casserole , um mês de
●Client assessment sheet
●CÓDIGO - Acentuação caracteres ASCII. (veja as várias sugestões do enlace)
● Computers, Portuguese by Computers
● Computers, The Portuguese Variations
●CONTA, dar – se - "il s'en rendra compte à ses dépens" means that he will realise his mistakes when it will be too late !
●Content management user interface
●Continually vs. continously
●Cucinare - Cuocere vs. Cucinare
●dE Barcelona - A big thank you and happy new year desde Barcelona. - Story board
●De buena onda
●DÉPANNAGE linguistique - BDL - Banque de Dépannage LinguistiqueOutil pédagogique répondant aux questions les plus fréquentes portant sur la grammaire, l'orthographe, la ponctuation, le vocabulaire général et les abréviations. Sur le site Office de la Langue Française (Québec).Recherche alphabétique et recherche thématique http://www.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/ressources/gdt_bdl2.html
●DEPARTMENTaccounts _
●DESCUIDAR – se – por pouco - que te descuides - a poco que
●DESDE - A big thank you and happy new year desde Barcelona. - Story board
●dic Computer dict (dicionário de informática) - The Web - www.reference.com/Dictionary.com
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Free online dictionary search, translator, word of the day, crossword puzzles and word games, and vocabulary learning resources for many languages.dictionary.reference.com/ - 11k - 2 Jan 2007 - Em cache - Páginas semelhantesThesaurus - thesaurus.reference.com/Translate text instantly - dictionary.reference.com/translate/The Web - www.reference.com/Toolbar - dictionary.reference.com/tools/toolbar/Mais resultados de dictionary.reference
●DicEnglish to Portuguese to English Dictionary.●DIC (EXPRESSÕES) - story board : Hutchinson Dictionary of Animals [home, info]
●DICenciclopédico (primo do google - fr) - Le chat botté - Contes - Momes.net
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●DICINFORMÁTICA -Nupill - Núcleo de Pesquisas em Informática, Literatura e ...
O Núcleo de Pesquisas em Informática, Lingüística e Literatura – NUPILL está vinculado ao Curso de Pós-Graduação em Literatura Brasileira, ...www.nupill.org/ - 18k - 2 Jan 2007 - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
●DICING - http://webster.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?va=tomato
●Dic Portuguese - English On-line Dictionary
●Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
DICIONÁRIOSVÁRIOS - PHRASALVERBS E DICVÁRIOS (deutsch,etc ) - www.uol.com.br/aurelio
Com o Coração On-Line atendemos os cardiologistas associados, os médicos de outras especialidades e principalmente o público em geral, cumprindo desta forma ...prevencao.cardiol.br/coracaoonline/ - 14k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
*Bradicardia sinusal y fibrilación ventricular
Qué son Clasificación Síntomas Diagnóstico Tratamiento Braquicardia sinusal y Fibrilación ventricular Fibrilación auricular y Taquicardia ...www.ondasalud.com/edicion/noticia/0,2458,81031,00.html - 33k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
Eletrônica, informática, telecomunicações e transporte ...
Página web que oferece links para dicionários e glossários de eletrônica, informática, telecomunicações e transporte.www.dicionarios-online.com/eletronica.html - 50k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes
DicWeb - Dicionário de Informática
Relação de domínios de primeiro nível e códigos de países · Relação de emoticons e seus significados · Envi-nos suas críticas e sugestões ...www.dicweb.com/ - 2k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes
Yahoo! Brasil Diretório > Informática > Dicionários de Informática
Cuca Gelada by Ormond · abrir em uma nova janela - Glossário de informática e Internet. Traz ainda dicas de teclas de atalho no Windows. Dicionário do ...br.dir.yahoo.com/Informatica/Dicionarios_de_Informatica/ - 9k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes
..:: NETPÉDIA.com.br ::.. - Dicionário de Informática
Home >>Dicionário de Informática · Netpédia.com.br - a maior referência em termos de informática do Brasil - Total de 7550 termos ! ...www.netpedia.com.br/ListaDicionario.php - 30k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes
..:: NETPÉDIA.com.br ::.. - Enciclopédia de Informática On-line
Você sabe tudo sobre informática ? Tem certeza ? Confira no dicionário da Netpédia, se você conhece realmente o significado dos termos de informática. ...www.netpedia.com.br/ - 45k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes
Aonde.com -> Informática : Dicionários de Informática
ou Pesquise Ofertas de " Dicionários+de+Informática " no MercadoLivre ... Dicionário De Técnicos - Dicionário De Termos Técnicos De Informática - R$9.90 ...www.aonde.com/indicacao/informatica/45051.htm - 32k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes
Folha Online - Informática
Saiba o que significam os termos mais complicados da informática ... DICIONÁRIO Saiba o significado das palavras mais complicadas e pergunte sobre novos ...www1.folha.uol.com.br/folha/informatica/sos_dic_abcd.shtml - 22k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes
Folha Online - Informática - Conheça 110 sites de dicionários ...
Webopedia - dicionário de informática e tecnologia da informação que também indica links para obter mais informações: www.webopedia.com ...www1.folha.uol.com.br/folha/informatica/ult124u13757.shtml - 45k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes
Derwood - Dicionário de Informática
Dicionário de Termos de informática 3ª edição de Carlos E. Morimoto Guia do Hardware Dicionário de Informática do site NetBank Dicionário de Informática do ...www.derwood.eti.br/modules/dicinfo/ - 21k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes
Dicionário de Informática - LivrosWeb.com
Categoria: Dicionário de Informática ... Escolar Para Estudantes Brasileiros de Inglês · Dicionário Oxford Escolar Para Estudantes Brasileiros de Inglês ...livrosweb.com/cat.php/id/89 - 15k - Em cache - Páginas Semelhantes
DOR NO PEITO, ANGINA E INFARTO O tórax, o peito, é formado por um bom número de órgãos e tecidos que podem se manifestar por sensações dolorosas.www.abcdasaude.com.br/artigo.php?586 - Páginas SemelhantesARDIOL.BR - O PORTAL QUE CUIDA DO SEU CORAÇÃO
Com o Coração On-Line atendemos os cardiologistas associados, os médicos de outras especialidades e principalmente o público em geral, cumprindo desta forma ...prevencao.cardiol.br/coracaoonline/ - 14k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
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O fumo não provoca somente doenças pulmonares como o câncer, mas é igualmente nocivo para outros órgãos como o estômago, a garganta e ocoração e as artérias ...
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EM CASO DE DOENÇA :Termos Médicos
Termos Médicos. Voltar · EM CASO DE DOENÇA Início · Avançar · Plaza de Informação de Osaka TEL.06-6773-6533 Local: Casa Internacional de Osaka.www.ih-osaka.or.jp/enjoy/po/sick/04.html - 22k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
Bradicardia sinusal y fibrilación ventricular
Qué son Clasificación Síntomas Diagnóstico Tratamiento Braquicardia sinusal y Fibrilación ventricular Fibrilación auricular y Taquicardia ...www.ondasalud.com/edicion/noticia/0,2458,81031,00.html - 33k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
●DICIONÁRIOSDEPORTUGUÊS - Palavras PortuguesasEsta lista contem palavras portuguesas do Jornal de Notícias. Todas as noites, palavras novas correspondendo ao modelo regexp \s([-a-zà-öù-ÿ])\s acrescem à lista. Actualmente, a lista tem 42877 registos.
A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z [><] http://private.homepages.intershop.de/~wolf/Portugues/portdict/portugues.html
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Dictionnaire des synonymes français et anglais
Dictionnaire des synonymes consultable en ligne, mis en œuvre par l'Institut des sciences cognitives (CNRS - Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1).dico.isc.cnrs.fr/ - 6k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
Le Dictionnaire - Dictionnaire francais en ligne gratuit ...
Le dictionnaire rassemble les plus grands dictionnaires francophones (dictionnaire français, dictionnaire des synonymes, traduction en ligne ...).
TV5 - Dictionnaire MEDIADICO
TV5 Langue française : actualité littéraire, dictionnaire de la langue française, des synonymes et de conjugaison, dictionnaire français/anglais et jeux.dictionnaire.tv5.org/ - 37k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
dictionnaire français en ligne - langue française - LEXILOGOS >>
Trésor de la langue française : dictionnaire du XIXe & XXe siècle, définitions, étymologie, citations, synonymes, antonymes ...www.lexilogos.com/francais_langue_dictionnaires.htm - 24k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
Dictionnaire synonymes definition traduction Conjugaison ...
Dictionnaire Synonymes Traduction Definition Conjugaison Définition Synonyme Langue Alexandria sur le nouveau portail Dicomania Langues étrangères langue ...dicomania.fr/index.html - 16k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
TV5 - Langue française - Sommaire
Langue française - TV5 Langue française : actualité littéraire, dictionnaire de la langue française, des synonymes et de conjugaison, dictionnaire ...www.tv5.org/TV5Site/lf/accueil.php - 39k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
DicSin - Dicionário de Sinônimos do BrOffice.org BrOffice.org
O BrOffice.org tem agora a sua própia ferramenta para gerenciamento das palavras do seu Dicionário de Sinônimos. O DicSin é um sub projeto que visa fazer o ...www.broffice.org.br/?q=node/38 - 8k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
Dictionnaire des synonymes français et anglais
Dictionnaire des synonymes consultable en ligne, mis en œuvre par l'Institut des sciences cognitives (CNRS - Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1).
Ciberdúvidas da Língua Portuguesa
Possuo um "Dicionário de Sinônimos e Antônimos da Língua Portuguesa", de Francisco ... Em edição portuguesa, só temos o Dicionário de Sinónimos (e só ...
OpenThesaurusPT - FAQ
OpenThesaurusPT é uma página web interactiva para a criação de um dicionário de sinónimos na língua portuguesa (Portugal). ...openthesaurus.caixamagica.pt/faq.php - 23k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
●DICIONÁRIOSEMLINHA - *Dictionnaires en ligne ; * DIC (EXPRESSÕES) - story board : Hutchinson Dictionary of Animals [home, info]
Dictionnaires en ligne. De nombreuses ressources linguistiques sont mises à ... tels que le Robert & Collins ou le Harrap's pour l'anglais-français ou tels ...www.redaction.be/ressources/dictionnaires.htm - 15k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
*João Sedycias: Informação Acadêmica Adicional
*Tate Glossary Recto / Verso- [ Traduzir esta página ]
Recto / Verso. The recto is the front or face of a single sheet of paper, or the right hand page of an open book. The back or underside of a single sheet of ...www.tate.org.uk/collections/glossary/definition.jsp?entryId=444 - 27k
●DICionários (expressões) - story board : Hutchinson Dictionary of Animals [home, info]TV5 - Dictionnaire MEDIADICO
TV5 Langue française : actualité littéraire, dictionnaire de la langue française, des synonymes et de conjugaison, dictionnaire français/anglais et jeux.dictionnaire.tv5.org/ - 37k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
dictionnaire français en ligne - langue française - LEXILOGOS >>
Trésor de la langue française : dictionnaire du XIXe & XXe siècle, définitions, étymologie, citations, synonymes, antonymes ...www.lexilogos.com/francais_langue_dictionnaires.htm - 24k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
Dictionnaire synonymes definition traduction Conjugaison ...
Dictionnaire Synonymes Traduction Definition Conjugaison Définition Synonyme Langue Alexandria sur le nouveau portail Dicomania Langues étrangères langue ...dicomania.fr/index.html - 16k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
TV5 - Langue française - Sommaire
Langue française - TV5 Langue française : actualité littéraire, dictionnaire de la langue française, des synonymes et de conjugaison, dictionnaire ...www.tv5.org/TV5Site/lf/accueil.php - 39k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
●DICIONÁRIOTERMINOLÓGICO GDT - Grand Dictionnaire TerminologiqueElaboré et produit par l'Office de la Langue Française (Québec) et Semantix. Cet ouvrage de référence rassemble un fonds terminologique d'envergure de 3 millions de termes français et anglais dans 200 domaines d'activité. http://www.granddictionnaire.com/
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Suggestions welcome. (Please, PM Lems ou Vanda)a. Dicionários e conjugador de verboshttp://www.wordreference.com/. – vários dicionárioshttp://www.priberam.pt/dlpo/dlpo.aspx - Língua Portuguesa (português europeu) Conjugação de mais de 13.000 verboshttp://dictionaries.travlang.com/EnglishPortuguese/ - English-Portuguese http://www.majstro.com/Web/Majstro/frames.php?gebrTaal=eng - English-Portuguese http://www2.uol.com.br/michaelis/ -Língua Portuguesawww.freedict.com/onldict/por.html - Inglês- Portuguêshttp://www.sk.com.br/sk-fals.html - falsos cognatoshttp://www.ultralingua.net/ - Inglês – Português http://www.majstro.com/ - multilíngüehttp://www.portcult.com/11.DICT1.htm - glossário de português europeu e brasileiro http://www.ipv.pt/anglicismos/angl_a.htm - anglicismoshttp://www.priberam.pt/dcvpo/dcvpo.aspx - dicionário de português caboverdianohttp://www.agal-gz.org/estraviz/ - dicionário galegohttp://www.agal-gz.org/modules.php?name=Encyclopedia&op=terms&eid=3<r=A - dicionário galego de fraseologiahttp://www.lusografia.org/carlosdurao/contrastivo-L.htm - dicionário contrastivo galego-portuguêshttp://www.bragancanet.pt/dicmirandes/in.html- dicionário mirandês-portuguêshttp://acdc.linguateca.pt/index.html/ - corpora da língua portuguesahttp://alcor.concordia.ca/~vjorge/Thesaurus/C/co.html - thesaurus da língua portuguesahttp://pt.wiktionary.org/wiki/Página_principal- dicionário poliglota(significados, etimologia, pronúncia) b. Outros dicionários e glossárioshttp://forum.wordreference.com/forumdisplay.php?f=39 - vários glossários multilíngüehttp://www.linguateca.pt/lex_esp.html - dicionários e glossários bilingües, multilíngües sobre uma variedade de temas! http://www.abolsamia.pt/glossario/ingles_AF.asp - glossário técnicohttp://www.demec.ufmg.br/disciplinas/ema003/dictermo.htm- dicionário técnico ing/porthttp://www.direitonet.com.br/dn/lista?conf=24- glossário jurídicohttp://www.thectr.com/glossary/portuguese.htm- glossário de termos de mercado de opçõeshttp://www.fao.org/aims/ag_intro.htm - glossário técnico (agricultura, alimentos, meioambiente e outros).http://www.fao.org/biotech/find-form-n.asp - glossário de biotecnologiahttp://www.clickmacae.com.br/?sec=84&pag=pagina&cod=33- terminologia navalhttp://www.duke-energy.com.br/IN/Negocios/download/dicionario_completo.pdf- glossário de termos de energia http://www.mbonline.com.br/dicionario/dicionario_p.htm - glossário de informáticahttp://www.lexicon.adp.com/- glossário de recursos humanos - multilíngüehttp://www.angelfire.com/al/Geografia/glossario.html#- glossário de petróleohttp://d2dbr.free.fr/dicionariopublicitario/a.php- dicionário publicitáriohttp://www.areaindigena.hpg.ig.com.br/dicionario.htm - pequeno dicionário tupi-guaranihttp://www.vinhoverde.pt/PT/vinhoverde/glossario/glossario.asp?letra=A - glossário sobre vinhohttp://www.academiadovinho.com.br/biblioteca/glossari.htm - glossário sobre vinhohttp://www.uni-graz.at/~katzer/engl/index.html - Glossário de temperos (spices)http://www.infomet.com.br/glossario_busca.php- glossário de busca, termos ingles/portuguêshttp://www.georgetown.edu/faculty/ballc/animals/portuguese.html- sounds of the world's animalshttp://www.deliciasdacozinhamineira.com.br/glossario.html- glossário de cozinha mineirac. expressões idiomáticas, gírias e palavras de baixo calãohttp://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=127859 – Expressões nacionais e regionais brasileiras e portuguesashttp://www.soutomaior.eti.br/mario/paginas/dic_a.htm- dicionário de folclore!!!http://geocities.yahoo.com.br/brumaximus/dicceara.html - Dicionário do Ceará (nordestino)http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Quadrant/6996/dicionariodegirias.htm - Gíriashttp://www.cruiser.com.br/giria/- Gíriashttp://natura.di.uminho.pt/~jj/pln/calao/dicionario.pdf - dicionário alternativo http://www.notam02.no/~hcholm/altlang/ht/Portuguese.html - dicionário alternativo http://www.brazil-brasil.com/pages/4letter.htm - glossário alternativo d. Frases básicas / Phrasebook e sons do português europeu e brasileirohttp://www.putfile.com/organizemedia?ulvid=1- sotaques brasileiros e portugueseshttp://www.omniglot.com/writing/portuguese.htm - listen to the Portuguese alphabet (including consonants, diphthongs, triphthongs sounds)http://www.smartphrase.com/Portuguese/po_general_words_phr.shtml - glossário de frases básicas http://www.easyportuguese.com/ - português básico http://www.myvox.com.br/ – frases com áudio http://www.mailxmail.com/curso/idiomas/portugues/capitulo1.htm - português básicohttp://www.oddcast.com/home/demos/tts/frameset.php?frame1=talk – digite e ouça sua palavra http://actor.loquendo.com/actordemo/ - digite e ouça sua palavrahttp://www.1destinyproductions.com/brazilportuguese.php - ouça português europeu e brasileirohttp://pt.wiktionary.org/wiki/Apêndice:Guia_de_pronúncia - lista de sons do portuguêshttp://www.instituto-camoes.pt/cvc/contomes/ - ouça textos em português europeuhttp://www.radames.manosso.nom.br/gramatica/fonemas.htm - fonemas da língua portuguesahttp://www.answers.com/topic/portuguese-dialects- portuguese dialectshttp://demo.acapela-group.com/- escreva e ouça português europeuhttp://www.projetoaspa.org/cristofar...publicacao.php- fonéticahttp://www.uefs.br/sitientibus/sitie...o_dos_sons.pdf- fonética
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ModTeresa de Beagá
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Location: Belo Horizonte MG
Native of: Brasil/ Português
Age: 54
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Re: Gramática
Gramáticahttp://www.languageguide.org/english/grammar/br/part1/what.jsp- inglês/português (com som)http://br.geocities.com/helcio_domingues/index2.html- BR Pt grammar- for english speakershttp://www.linguateca.pt/Diana/download/portugisisk.html - português para estrangeiroshttp://www.brazilianportugues.com/index.php?idcanal=105 - Brazilian Portuguesehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazilian_Portuguese - Brazilian Portuguesehttp://www.easyportuguese.com/- português para estrangeiros (with audio)http://educaterra.terra.com.br/sualingua/01/01_pergunte_indice.htm -Dúvidas gramaticais em língua portuguesahttp://www.logosconjugator.org/owa-verb/verba_dba.verba_main.create_lang_page?lang=PT&total_verb=4972 - conjugador de verboshttp://www.inf.ufrgs.br/~emiliano/conver/geral_i.html - paradigma da conjugação verbal portuguesa (site em inglês)http://www.gramaticaonline.com.br/gramatica/gramatica.asp - Gramática on-linehttp://www.portugues.com.br/- gramática (apenas a primeira página é liberada)http://ciberduvidas.sapo.pt/ - dúvidas em português (excelente)http://www.radames.manosso.nom.br/gramatica/preposicao.htm- preposiçõeshttp://www.aclassedapalavra.hpg.ig.com.br/preposi.htm - usos das preposiçõeshttp://www.aclassedapalavra.hpg.ig.com.br/conjun.htm - conjunçõeshttp://www.aclassedapalavra.hpg.ig.com.br/verbo.htm- verbos/ conjugaçõeshttp://www.paulohernandes.pro.br/glossario/indice.html - glossário de gramática e lingüísticahttp://www.rainhadapaz.g12.br/projetos/portugues/gramatica/casos/casos3.html - tira-dúvidashttp://users.ox.ac.uk/~srp/ciberportugues.html - recursos lingüísticoshttp://www.sk.com.br/sk-idiom.html - expressões idiomáticashttp://www.mailxmail.com/curso/idiomas/portugues/capitulo11.htm - site em espanholcorretor ortográficohttp://www.flip.pt/FLiPOnline/tabid/96/Default.aspx - Corretor ortográfico PT BR e PThttp://orangoo.com/spell/- corretor ortográfico
Last edited by Vanda : 10th January 2007 at 07:17 PM.
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24th July 2006, 03:20 PM
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ModTeresa de Beagá
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Belo Horizonte MG
Native of: Brasil/ Português
Age: 54
Posts: 5,097
Re: italiano/ português
http://dictionaries.travlang.com/ItalianPortuguese/- dicionário italiano/ portuguêshttp://www.abolsamia.pt/glossario/italiano_AF.asp - glossário técnico
Last edited by Vanda : 24th July 2006 at 03:53 PM.
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24th July 2006, 03:21 PM
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ModTeresa de Beagá
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Belo Horizonte MG
Native of: Brasil/ Português
Age: 54
Posts: 5,097
Re: francês/português
http://dictionaries.travlang.com/FrenchPortuguese/ - dicionário francês/portuguêshttp://www.wordreference.com/conj/frverbs.asp - conjugador de verbos - francêshttp://www.abolsamia.pt/glossario/fr_pt_AF.asp - glossário técnicohttp://www2.uol.com.br/modabrasil/biblioteca/glossario/a.htm- glossário de moda
●EXPRESSÕES (inglês, traduzidos para) Resources- Recursos
●EXPRESSÕES expressões regionais/nacionais
by spielenschach
●FRASES BÁSICAS Resources- Recurso
●Resources- Recursos
●MÉDIA - Resources- Recursos
●MÚSICAS, letras de - Resources- Recursos
●PROVÉRBIOS e expressões traduzidos para o inglês Resources- Recursos
●DICTIONNAIRE de l'Académie française : base échantillonCette base contient un échantillonnage d'articles pris dans les huit éditions complètes du Dictionnaire de l'Académie.L'échantillonnage représente 1% de la totalité du texte des huit éditions. Deux éditions font l'objet sur ce site d'une attention particulière : - la première édition (1694) considérée comme la clef de voûte de la lexicographie monolingue française - la sixième édition (1835), bénéficiant de la collaboration de quelques académiciens exceptionnels. http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~wulfric/academie/
●Dictionary: Answers.com
●domestic issues
●Douche / Douche Bag?
●DRILL - two speeds or two speed?
●EACH OTHER - One-upping each other...
Faites moi essayer
Elle n'eut pas plus tôt pris le fuseau
Subir A Corda A Pulso
Talking about football
que enphatique
ou à travers des routes encore du temps des romains
Discuter le football
Avoir Du Parfum
Was kann einem Mann als Ersatzfrau dienen?
Since we agree
Tu m'aimes un peu...
keep up
avoir le temps
de plus grande qualité
en ou de
en ou de
à des plaintes
á tout
sortir de leurs corps
à repas rapides
cette fois
en courant
tourner le dos
harmonieuse et favorablement
des ou de?
en dictature
vivre du chaos
Afin de
avec une sucette
Quelque demi-douzaine
fondé en
Der Dialog und der Friedensprozess sind
à courir les années – VER BLOG → MENSAGENSWORDRÉFERENCEFORUN → à courir les années
●ENGRENAGEM (?) - Gear linkage
●fall in with - 1. meet and join: to
●FINANCEdepartment - Diffrence between finance
●FONÉTICA - sitio; - VOGAIS - [edit]
Vowels - 7 Phonology
Chart of the vowels as they are pronounced in Lisbon
●FORUN ÉDUCATION - Le chat botté - Contes - Momes.net
●FRASES condicionais - N°2 Hypothèse (si ... + ...)
- http://www.bonjourdefrance.com/images/puce.gif
●Bonjour De France - Étudier La Grammaire Française - Cours Sur ...
●Gear linkage
Manuel de grammaire française en ligne - Synapse Développement ... Présentation des règles grammaticales pour l'écriture du français. Manuel de grammaire française, règles de grammaire française - French grammar.www.synapse-fr.com/grammaire/GTM_0.htm - 8k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes Dernier n° de BdF : Les pronoms compléments BONJOUR DE FRANCE - Étudier la grammaire française - cours sur ... Cours de français en France et cours de français gratuits sur l’internet : exercices de compréhension de la langue française, jeux pour étudier la grammaire ...www.bonjourdefrance.com/index/indexgram.htm - 13k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes LA GRAMMAIRE INTERACTIVE - Softissimo - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
*Articles - N°5 Articles - Cliquez ici ; Cliquez ici
*Articles - N°3 Articles devant les noms de pays - Cliquez ici
*COMPARATIF - N°6 Comparatif - Cliquez ici; Cliquez ici
*CONDITIONNEL - N°11 Conditionnel présent - Cliquez ici
*Imparfait - N°9 Imparfait ; Cliquez ici ; Cliquez ici; N°10 *Différence passé composé / imparfait ; Cliquez ici; Cliquez ici
*PASSÉ composé - N°7 Passé composé - Cliquez ici ;Cliquez ici
*PASSÉ composé - N°10 Différence passé composé / imparfait ; Cliquez ici; Cliquez ici
*PRONOMS - Dernier n° de BdF : Les pronoms compléments
*N°8 Pronoms relatifs simples ; Cliquez ici ; Cliquez ici*SI - N°2 Hypothèse (si ... + ...) - Cliquez ici*Voix passive - N°4 Voix passive - Cliquez ici
Resultados no livro para o termo Essential Grammar In Use online
Spanish - de I. E. Mackenzie, Peter T. Bradley - 326 páginasComputational Linguistics and Intelligent Text ... - de Alexander Gelbukh, LINK (Online service) - 829 páginas
English Course,Free Online Grammar Lessons for Native Spanish ...- [ Traduzir esta página ]
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*GRAMMATIK - WordReferenceForun → em SEARCH escrever VERBEN → Enter → Vai encontrar respostas a questões de gramática muito interessantes, algumas delas abaixoList of verbs: Verbix: this page; This
schließen / abschließen
sein/haben setzen/sitzen
geholfen werden wollen (
Modal verbs - why are they called "modal"?
Relativsätze (kongruenz)
beharren auf - bestehen auf
be- und ver- Verben
Die Katze wurde von einem Auto überfahren
fahren + haben/sein
Conjugation in speech
Sie stiften ihre Klassenkameraden zum Aufstand an.
"Tun" und "antun" in der StandardspracheDie Stellung der Postpositionen im Deutschen ( 1 2)
Jetzt bleibt das Wetter bestimmt gut. ( 1 2)
zahlen und bezahlen
List of verbs: Verbix: this page; This
verabreden, vereinbaren
Deutsche Verben und ihre Ergänzungen
Den Frost verschließt ein Medaillon
●ÍCONS - ●ÍCONES - merci tout le monde - Le forum de la manucure, de la pose d'ongles ...
Word Choice
Science Terms
Names and Labels
Pronunciation Challenges
Word Formation
a. Plurals b. Forming Possessives c. Affixes d. Word Compounding
English Usage, Style & Composition
Search Usage:
American Heritage® Book of English Usage. 1996.
With a detailed look at grammar, style, diction, word formation, gender, social groups and scientific forms, this valuable reference work is ideal for students, writers, academicians and anybody concerned about proper writing style.
The Columbia Guide to Standard American English. 1993.
This most extensive handbook of the language ever published features over 6,500 descriptive and prescriptive entires with 4,300 hyperlinked cross-references.
Strunk, William, Jr. 1918. The Elements of Style.
Believing that one must first know the rules to break them, this classic reference book is a must-have for any student or writer.
Fowler, H. W. 1908. The King’s English, 2nd ed.
This reference work has remained a standard resource—serving generations of students and writers with commonsense rules of style and grammar.
Mencken, H.L. 1921. The American Language: An Inquiry into the Development of English in the United States, 2nd ed.
This classic defines the distinguishing characteristics of the language of the United States.
Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur. 1916. On the Art of Writing.
This collection of lectures captures the artistic and vital nature of language.
Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur. 1920. On the Art of Reading.
Rich with insight on the activity of effectual and intelligent reading.
Sapir, Edward. 1921. Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech.
The classic text on the relation of language and culture. English Usage, Style & Composition
Search Usage:
American Heritage® Book of English Usage. 1996.
With a detailed look at grammar, style, diction, word formation, gender, social groups and scientific forms, this valuable reference work is ideal for students, writers, academicians and anybody concerned about proper writing style.
The Columbia Guide to Standard American English. 1993.
This most extensive handbook of the language ever published features over 6,500 descriptive and prescriptive entires with 4,300 hyperlinked cross-references.
Strunk, William, Jr. 1918. The Elements of Style.
Believing that one must first know the rules to break them, this classic reference book is a must-have for any student or writer.
Fowler, H. W. 1908. The King’s English, 2nd ed.
This reference work has remained a standard resource—serving generations of students and writers with commonsense rules of style and grammar.
Mencken, H.L. 1921. The American Language: An Inquiry into the Development of English in the United States, 2nd ed.
This classic defines the distinguishing characteristics of the language of the United States.
Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur. 1916. On the Art of Writing.
This collection of lectures captures the artistic and vital nature of language.
Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur. 1920. On the Art of Reading.
Rich with insight on the activity of effectual and intelligent reading.
Sapir, Edward. 1921. Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech.
The classic text on the relation of language and culture.
A Grammar Toolkit
●INGONLINE – GRAM - sites.uol.com.br/englishonline
●JUMP, that - that jump
●L final (pronúncia) - la l final en Portuguese
●lunares - Les différentes acceptions de "Lunares".
●M, nasalasação, - sim, assim ... ( 1 2 3 4)
●MÉDIAS EM LINHA Dictionnaires en ligne
Dictionnaires en ligne. De nombreuses ressources linguistiques sont mises à ... tels que le Robert & Collins ou le Harrap's pour l'anglais-français ou tels ...www.redaction.be/ressources/dictionnaires.htm - 15k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
●meet and start associating with somebody or a group - Re: learning????
●merci de vs. merci pour
●MISTURA? - brassage - →1BRASSAGE1, subst. masc.→2BRASSAGE2, subst. masc.
●MUITO melhor – New year's statements...
●NASALASAÇÃO, m - sim, assim ... ( 1 2 3 4)
introduction basic negation: ne ... pas (don't, not)
alternate forms (1): ne ... jamais ; (never)ne ... rien (nothing) ; ne ... personne (nobody, no one); ne ... pas du tout (not at all); ne ... plus (no more, any longer)
alternate forms (2): ne ... aucun(e) (not one); ne ... ni ... ni (neither ... nor); ne ... que (only)
one word negative responses: si, jamais, personne, rien
●One-upping each other...
●OURO, regra de - gold standard?
● Oxalá
●PHRASALVERBS E DICVÁRIOS (deutsch,etc ) - www.uol.com.br/aurelio
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●Drive for .1 mile. Drive for .9 miles.
●MorenaC Native of: England
●sim, assim ... ( 1 2 3 4)
●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ
●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ● Δ●Δ● Δ ●Δ
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●Português Língua Estrangeira - Aulas: índice
Português Língua Estrangeira: Língua Portuguesa Escrita / Língua Portuguesa Oral - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.www.prof2000.pt/users/anamartins/FLUP/index.html - 5k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes
Cursos de Português Língua Estrangeira on-line da
"Desenvolvimento da Linguagem" da Universidade Aberta (Cu
Vamos lá começar!, L Lidel,
Vamos lá continuar!, Lidel, 2ª edição, 2003.
Português (inter)ACÇÃO! (autor principal multimédia), CD-ROM de Português Língua Estrangeira, com um sítio na Internet, para a aprendentes dos Níveis Universidade Aberta/Lidel, 2003.
Português (inter)ACÇÃO on-line, destinado a promover e a dar apoio aos utili Português (inter)ACÇÃO!
●PREÇP (SIGLAS - Deutsch)
●PREÇO; prémio - http://forum.wordreference.com/showt...01#post2003801
●PRÉMIO; preço - http://forum.wordreference.com/showt...01#post2003801
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●PRIX - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?p=2003801#post2003801
●PRONOMS - Les pronoms compléments - Cliquez ici; Cliquez ici
●REGATEAR – trade down
●relación jurídica
●registration - :" Business Name Registration" in frch
●Retirement homes - senior centers
●RIR – se de algjuém . se payer la tête means to laugh at someone or yes, to make fun of someone; se payer la tête => make fun of; Se payer la tête de quelqu'un = take the mickey out of someone (colloquial) Re: se payer la tête / Il s'en rendra compte à ses dépens
● sale value- valor venal
SOTAQUES do português - 10th January 2007
FW: gravação 03:21 PM Vanda
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●SITESblogs(meus - no Google) - SITES
●SPEED - two speeds or two speed?two speeds or two speed?
●Tête - se payer la tête means to laugh at someone or yes, to make fun of someone ; Se payer la tête de quelqu'un=take the mickey out of someone (colloquial)
●TÉNIS de mesa - soccer table
●tombs - passage tombs of Newgrange
●TRÉSOR de la Langue Française informatisé ~ TFLi - Le TLF est un dictionnaire des XIXe et XXe siècles en 16 volumes et 1 supplément. Le TLFi est la version informatisée du TLF : 100 000 mots avec leur histoire, 270 000 définitions, 430 000 exemples, 350 millions de caractères.Réalisé par l' ATILF (Analyse et Traitement Informatique de la Langue Française), laboratoire de recherche placé sous la tutelle du CNRS et de l'Université de Nancy 2) .La puissance de ce dictionnaire résulte d'un traitement hautement élaboré qui a permis de décomposer le texte du TLF en objet élémentaires (définitions, exemples, indicateurs de domaine technique, indicateurs sémantiques, grammaticaux, stylistiques, etc.) et d'analyser les relations hiérarchiques liant ces objets.T rois niveaux d'utilisation sont proposés :- la consultation simple des articles- les recherches assistées- les recherches complexes.Recherche phonétique d'un mot en utilisant un clavier phonétique ou en tapant un mot de sonorité équivalente.Possibilité de personnaliser le fonctionnement http://www.atilf.fr/tlfi.htm
●TÚMULO - passage tombs of Newgrange
●UP - One-upping each other...
●up until very recently
● value, sale - valor venal
●Venal, valor .- valor venal
●"Valor venal" is called in English "sale value", to be more precise."Imóvel" stands for "building" or "real state". So you have, unless I am wrong: real state sale value.JC
●verbos franceses y su conjugaciónhttp://www.laits.utexas.edu/tex/gr/index.html#no
VERBEN →List of verbs: Verbix: this page; This ; Procure tb
WordReferenceForun → em SEARCH escrever VERBEN → Enter → Vai encontrar listas de verbos (List of verbs: Verbix: this page; This
) e respostas a questões de gramática muito interessantes, algumas delas abaixo
List of verbs: Verbix: this page; This
schließen / abschließen
sein/haben setzen/sitzen
geholfen werden wollen (
Modal verbs - why are they called "modal"?
Relativsätze (kongruenz)
beharren auf - bestehen auf
be- und ver- Verben
Die Katze wurde von einem Auto überfahren
fahren + haben/sein
Conjugation in speech
Sie stiften ihre Klassenkameraden zum Aufstand an.
"Tun" und "antun" in der StandardspracheDie Stellung der Postpositionen im Deutschen ( 1 2)
Jetzt bleibt das Wetter bestimmt gut. ( 1 2)
zahlen und bezahlen
List of verbs: Verbix: this page; This
verabreden, vereinbaren
Deutsche Verben und ihre Ergänzungen
Den Frost verschließt ein Medaillon
●VERBOS - Resources- Recursos
*PHRASALVERBS E DICVÁRIOS (deutsch, etc ) - www.uol.com.br/aurelio
Buscalo en http://www.google.com/
verbos en franceses
Verbal Vs. Oral
●VERBOS REFLEXOS - To commit suicide
●VOCABULAIRE et terminologieRépertoire terminologique sur le site de la Délégation à la Langue Française (France, DGLF)La Commission générale de terminologie et de néologie a publié au Journal officiel du 22 septembre 2000 son Répertoire terminologique, édition 2000.L'enrichissement de la langue française : terminologie et néologie. La féminisation des noms de métier, fonction, grade ou titre.http://www.culture.gouv.fr/culture/dglf/terminologie/accueil.htm
●VOGAIS - [edit] Vowels 7 Phonology
7.1 Vowels - Chart of the vowels as they are pronounced in Lisbon
7.2 Consonants
7.3 Stress
7.4 Prosody
8 Grammar
●WONDER - preguntarse"I wonder ..."
tail/unit configuration management - tail/unit configuration management
basis vs base
Go for a dump
Temps du sas
Prendre rendez-vous chez le médecin
traverse gear
Snob = pijo ? - pijo : Spanish - pijo m pija - snobby
well/ill defined
jim noir – patch
the real thing!"
Comunicado In - Through With
Soil-less compost
la letra pequeña
coming up
subject you to liability
correr con los gastos- correr alguien con el ~, o con los ~s. 1. frs. Tomar a su cargo las expensas de algo, pagarlo
Jemand kann mir eine erklärung geben? Im Portuguese wir sagen “Mit der Anschlag auf den Flughafen ist der Dialog mit der Eta und der ...“ – Warum sind?:“Mit der Anschlag auf den Flughafen sind der Dialog mit der Eta und der Friedensprozess an einem Slusspunkt angelangt“.[Aus Scala: ‚http://www.magazine-deutschland.de’/ – 07Jan2007]
Native of: German, Germany
Re: sind
rAnschlag - ataque
"Mit dem Anschlag auf den Flughafen sind der Dialog mit der Eta und der Friedensprozess an einem Schlusspunkt angelangt".
"Mit dem Anschlag auf den Flughafen (Dativ, Objekt)sind (Verb, zeigt "vollendete Gegenwart")der Dialog mit der Eta und der Friedensprozess (Subjekt besteht aus zwei Einheiten, deshalb Plural "sind angelangt")an einem Schlusspunkt angelangt. (2. Teil vom Verb, Nennform ist "anlangen")
Anlangen - chegar
Der Dialog mit der Eta und der Friedensprozess sind an einem Schlusspunkt angelangt.Vergleiche:Der Dialog mit der Eta ist an einem Schlusspunkt angelangt und der Friedensprozess ist an einem Schlusspunkt angelangt. Beide sind (...) angelangt.
Last edited by Hutschi : Today 10Jan2007 at 12:53 PM.
Native of: Resident of Germany
Re: sind
Re: sind
Das Verb "sein" bezieht sich sowohl auf den Dialog als auch auf den Friedensprozzes, also auf zwei veschiedene Sachen (Plural).
Ich verstehe jetzt: Der der Dialog und der Friedensprozess sind...
Vielen danke
Auf wiedersehen
●Cotización de crudo
●the rail of the boat, FAS,FOB
Parabéns - how to congratulate in English ;Spanish
Discutir - We'll discuss it later in private
cierta mujer ÍNDICE
●●●PARENTEESCOGRAUSDE ●●●SUORcomosuordoseurosto
Today, 12:05 AM
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Can some one help me translate "friable asbestos" into Spanish. Thanks!
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?Como se dice "introduce them to each other"?
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Status-quo thinks
●●● each other –
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?Como se dice "introduce them to each other"?
3rd October 2005, 07:11 PM
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A lhéngua Mirandesa é falada em Portugal.
●●● pasante –
Today, 09:44 PM
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pasante - pasantía
●●● PENSAR, maneira de –
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Status-quo thinks
●●● Status-quo thinks –
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●●● SUORcomosuordoseurosto –
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sortir de leurs corps
●●● Underrun
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●●●PARENTESCOGRAUSDE ●●●SUORcomosuordoseurosto
Today, 12:05 AM
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Can some one help me translate "friable asbestos" into Spanish. Thanks!
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?Como se dice "introduce them to each other"?
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●●● each other –
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?Como se dice "introduce them to each other"?
3rd October 2005, 07:11 PM
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A lhéngua Mirandesa é falada em Portugal.
●●● pasante –
Today, 09:44 PM
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pasante - pasantía
●●● PENSAR, maneira de –
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●●● Status-quo thinks –
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sortir de leurs corps
●●● Underrun
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●●● YearsANOS –
Years -
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how to say the years
●●● http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=324492&goto=newpost
computer application of management
cruce ramas de tratamiento
Boy -
BOY - (ethnic slur) offensive term for Black man; "get out of my way, boy" - Black man
meados de gato/ojeados
A letra R ( 1 2)
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●●● YearsANOS –
Years -
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how to say the years
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Articles before the newspaper and magazine names
REDUZIR - shrink – Honey, i shrunk the divorce settlement
settlement – determinación; decisión
I only have eyes for you
wine tasting group
spill your guts?
comite d'entreprise
ACABAR (FIG) - bites the dust - MORRER
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Wednesday, November 22, 2006
DICIONÁRIOFORUMspielenschachvbmenu_register("postmenu_1887298", true); Senior Member...Site...http://dicionarioforum.blogspot.com/...AAAAA►●◄ Aart►●◄ABACK◄●► ABÄNDEM ◄●► ABÄNDERUNG ◄●► ABORDNUNG ◄●► ABROLLEN ◄●►ACCESSOIRES ◄●► ACORDOACONTECER ◄●► ACREDITARACREDITA ◄●► ADEBA ◄●► ADHÄSIONSVERSCHLUSS ◄●► AFFÄRE◄●► AKZEPTIEREN ►●◄ ALARMIEREN ◄●► AMALGAMIERUNG ◄●► AMEISENHAUFEN ◄●► ANDAUERN◄●► ANÖDEN ◄●►ANTHROPOLOGIE ◄●► AOaachen ◄●► Aoterror ◄●► APATHIE ◄●► APENNINNEN ◄●► APPROBIERT ◄●► ARMATUR ◄●► ARTIKEL ◄●► ASSEKURANT ◄●► ATaachen ◄●► ATsie ◄●► ATEM ◄●► ATOMBOMBE ◄●►ATTRAKTION ◄●► ATLANTEN ◄●► AUGENARZT ◄●► AVEEBBBBBBALD ◄●► BEAMTER ◄●►BEKUNDEN ◄●► BITTE ◄●► BRACHIAL ◄●► BRIBCARCCCCCCAABA ◄●► CÄLMA ◄●► CAMPEN ◄●► CARNET◄●► CÄSIUM ◄●► CASSATA ◄●► CEMBALOSPIELENS ◄●► CHEMIE ◄●► CHANCEGLEICHHEIT ◄●► CHAUVINIST ◄●► CLAVIERHORD ◄●► COBOL ◄●► COMECON ◄●► COMÉDIE ◄●► COMPUTERGESTEUERT ◄●► COMICHEFT ◄●► COMPORTAMIENTO ◄●► COMPUTERGESTEUERT ◄●► CONCENTRÉ ◄●► CONFÉRENCIER.◄●► CONFITEOR ◄●► CONSILIUM ◄●► CONTERGANKIND ◄●►CORRIDALAUFEN ◄●►COUENANCE ◄●► CREMEDDDDDDABBLER◄●► DANNEN ◄●► DARAN ◄●► DATEI ◄●► ◄●► DEBÜT ◄●► DECK ◄●► DEICHSCHLEUSE ◄●► DEPRESSION◄●► DERSELBE◄●► DESCOBRIRunbändig ◄●► DESEQUENZ ◄●► DESERTEUR ◄●► DESSELBEN ◄●► DETAILLIEREN ◄●► ◄●► DEUTSCHEWELLEab DEUTSCHEWELLEaus ◄●► DICTIONNAIRES ◄●►DIFFERENZIEREN ◄●► DIRIGIEREN ◄●► DISHARMONIE◄●►DISTANZ◄●► DOCHT ◄●►EEEEEECCENTRIC ◄●► EFFEKT ◄●► ELENDSVIERTEL ◄●► EMprinz◄●► ENDEFFEKT ◄●►FORUMnupill◄●► ENSEMBLE ◄●► ERACHTEN ◄●► ESELSBRÜCKE ◄●► ESPRESSOBAR ◄●► EVANGELISCH◄●► EXISTENZFFFFFFACTIONALISM ◄●► FALTE ◄●► FASTEN◄●► FAUST ◄●► FAZIT◄●►FIXEN ◄●► FLORaachen ◄●►FOLLIKULÄR ◄●► FÖRDERTURM ◄●► FRECHGGGGGGABBLER ◄●► GOALGETTER ◄●► GOLDWÄHRUNG ◄●► GOSSE ◄●► GRAMÁTICAesp ◄●► GRAMÁTICAfr ◄●► HHHHHHABBERTON◄●►HISSEN◄●► HOMÖOPATHIE◄●►IIIIIIBBETSON ◄●► IMAGINÄR ◄●►IMMUNSYSTEM ◄●► IMPRESSIONISMUS ◄●► INafrika ◄●►INcamcorder ◄●► INstörung ◄●► INDIZIENBEWEIS ◄●► INSIDERHANDEL ◄●► INTENDANT ◄●► INVESTIERT ◄●►JJJJJJABBER ◄●► JOGARaal ◄●► JOGOaal ◄●► JOGOguckenKKKKKKAABALLLLLLABDACISM ◄●► LÄRCHE ◄●► LAYOUT ◄●► LEASEN ◄●► LEUTSELIG ◄●► LICHTMESSER◄●► LISTENPLATZ ◄●► LÜCKEN ◄●►MMMMMMACACO ◄●► MAJESTÄT ◄●► MAPPE ◄●►MÄZEN ◄●► MEDIEN ◄●► MORSCH ◄●►MÜHSELIG ◄●►NNNNNNABOTH ◄●► NANU ◄●► NEHMEN◄●► NISTEN◄●► NOSTALGIE◄●►OOOOOOAFISH◄●► OBUS ◄●► OBUSOKKUPIEREN ◄●► OKKUPIEREN ◄●► ONaal ◄●►ONtv◄●► ORAKEL ◄●►PPPPP◄●►PACHMANN ◄●► PARAestragon◄●► PARTIKEL ◄●►PAVIAN ◄●► PENNER ◄●► PERGOLA ◄●► PERSENNING ◄●► PICKEL ◄●► PLAYbringen ◄●► PLAYdesinteresse ◄●► PLAYjoggen ◄●► PLAYsaal ◄●► PLAYBACK◄●► POPANZ ◄●► PORle ◄●► PRÄTERITUM◄●► PRELLBOCK ◄●► PRESSEN ◄●► PRIMZAHL ◄●► PROBLEMSTELLUNG ◄●► PRONOMEN ◄●► PROVIANT ◄●► s PUSCHLAV ◄●►QQQQQQED - abrev. de quod erat demonstrandum (which was to be demonstrated)RRRRRRABBETM ◄●►REAGENZGLAS ◄●► RECEBERAA RECHERCHEfr ◄●► REGELRECHT ◄●► RENNBAHN ◄●► REQUISITEN ◄●► RIPPENRABBET ◄●►SSSSSSABBATH ◄●► SABOTAGE ◄●► SCHABE ◄●► SEGUIDILLA ◄●► SEINLASSEN ◄●►SEXUALERZIEHUNG ◄●► SEUFZER ◄●► SIGNALISIEREN ◄●► SMV ◄●►SORGE◄●► STILISTISCH ◄●► SUBJEKTIVITÄT ◄●► SUCHAKTIONTTTTTTABASHEER ◄●► TANTES ◄●► THAILAND ◄●► THRONFOLGE ◄●► TRADUÇÕES - JornaldaAPT◄●►TÜR◄●►UUUUUUBBELOHDEVVVVV◄●► VAKUUM ◄●► VENDEMIAIRE ◄●► VESPERS ◄●► VIBRATOR ◄●► VIETNAMeSISCH ◄●► VIOLINKONZERT ◄●► VOCaback ◄●► VOCmotzen ◄●► VOCtemperaturWWWWWWAAFXANTHATYACHTINGZABRUS.........AAAAAANTHROPOLOGIE1 à 2A1 à 2 FIN DE, loc. prép., AFIN QUE, loc. conj.ANYMORE -Yes, but "I don't need this anymore"http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=304247&goto=newpostARREBITADO, nariz - "Pert" with respect to a nose usually means dainty and up-turned (hence the reference to a ski-jump).http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=304990&goto=newposthttp://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=304990&goto=newpostARTIGO indefinido em espanhol - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=307052&goto=newpostAT / on the beach -http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=293672&goto=newpostAVOIR le temps - avoir le temps - WordReference ForumsEst - ce - que si je dis "n'avaient pas de temps", n'est ce pas aussi correct? ... On peut aussi avoir comme vous le proposer "n'avaient pas de temps" mais ...http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=306303&goto=newpostBBBBBBALDBARULHO – A montanha pariu um rato – tanto barulho para nada – La montagne a accouché d'une souris.– 'To make a mountain out of a molehill' is to make a big fuss about something that doesn't really have that much importance.( Parece-me que a expressão em inglês "to make a mountain out of a mole-hill" corresponderia mais "fazer tempestade em copo d'água" e não se ancaixaria no contexto apresentado pelo Ysem.) - Much ado about nothing – http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=223328&goto=newpostBATER - To swipe – bater fuertementehttp://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=305012&goto=newpost“By-the-by” is passing from the main subject to a by or secondary one. http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=303479&goto=newpostBEAUCOUP - Oui par exemple, si on veut rester vague... "beaucoup" est assez peu employé sans complément en français. - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=312822&goto=newpostBON MARCHÉ - Always "bon marché" / it doesn't change. - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=314582&goto=newpostCCCCCCABELO - Reply to post 'pelo y cabello' CADASTRO - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=301205&goto=newpostCARTÃO magnético – passar o ~ por… swipe :-3. transitive and intransitive verb put card through machine: to pass a plastic card on which data has been stored magnetically through an electronic reading device, e.g. to gain access to a building or to initiate a banking transaction, or to be read successfully by such a deviceI can't get the card to swipehttp://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=305012&goto=newpost -ForumsReply to post '"cadastro"/"registro" - "registros CEMBALOSPIELENSCERTO - :tick:View Full Version : Avoir Du ParfumC'ÉTAIT bon - Et si c'était bon... Là aussi, il n’y a aucune complication, mais c’est parfumé et les cobayes ont aimé. Je crois me rappeler que dans le magazine, c’était une entrée, ...Là aussi, il n’y a aucune complication, mais c’est parfumé et les cobayes ont aimé. Je crois me rappeler que dans le magazine, c’était une entrée, ...C'ÉTAIT demain- Dominique Boudou, C'était demain. Je rêve comme à dix ans de chevaux perdus ... Avec la disparition de Claude Jade à 58 ans, c'est toute la mémoire des ...C'ÉTAIT ou c'étaient es filles du roi ? - C'EST ou CE SONT, C'EST ou C'ÉTAIT LES FILLESC'ÉTAIT quoi la question? - L'autre solution, c'est de tourner le dos à tous ces gommeux matutinaux pour ... C'était gênant ?» Douste, sur du velours : «Ben, elle habite à Toulouse. ...C'ÉTAIT - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=313458&goto=newpostCOMPETENTE, tornar - se -http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=304961&goto=newpostsedCONSILIUMCONSTIPADOhttp://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=293748&goto=newpostCOVERTURE - husband protection concerning the married womanhttp://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=307069&goto=newpostCRÍTICA, liberdade de - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=318081&goto=newpostDDDDDDEUTSCHEWELLEab-->-->Language selectorGerman English Arabic Russian Chinese Portuguese for Brazil Spanish Albanian Amharic Arabic Bengali Bosnian Bulgarian Chinese Croatian Dari English French German Greek Hausa Hindi Indonesian Kiswahili Macedonian Pashto Persian Polish Portuguese for Brazil Romanian Russian Serbian Spanish Turkish Ukrainian Urdu11.12.2006AccueilLes InfosLe ThèmePolitique - AfriqueRevue de PresseAfro-PresseL'Allemagne d'aujourd'huiCultureThe BOBs - Concours de blogs de la Deutsche WelleDW-RadioCours d'allemandCours d'allemand "Deutsch - warum nicht?"Deutsch-Sprachkurs - Wieso nicht?Marktplatz: Cours d'allemand économiqueÉtudier en AllemagneInteractiveCours d'allemandQue vous soyez débutant, que vous possédiez de solides connaissances d'allemand ou que vous utilisiez la langue essentiellement dans votre profession, peu importe. 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Serviço é gratuito e interativo. »Informe-se e aprenda ao mesmo tempoAqui você encontra todos os dias as notícias das 10h00 UTC do programa alemão da DW-RADIO, lidas de forma clara e pausada. Você pode baixar o arquivo de áudio em MP3, mas tem à disposição também o texto completo para imprimir. Como oferta exclusiva adicional, apresentamos regularmente um artigo com a lista correspondente de vocábulos. Deste jeito, dá gosto aprender alemão!As páginas seguintes existem apenas em alemão.DW-WORLDDW-World: DidAktuellesALUNOSÉ fácil aprender alemão com a Deutsche Welle. Escolha entre nossos cursos para principiantes e alunos adiantados.DW-World: Aprender alemãoPROFESSORESDesde cursos para principiantes ao alemão para negócios: aqui você encontra todo o material para suas aulas.DW-World: Deutsch unterrichtenCURIOSOSDescubra conosco, de forma descontraída e bem-humorada, os segredos e peculiaridades do idioma alemão!DW-World: Deutsch im FokusCursos de alemãoSelecionar idiomaSelecionar idiomaalbanianamharicarabicbengalibosnianbulgarianchinesischcroatiandeutschenglischfrenchgreekhausaindonesianmacedonianpersianpolishportugiesischromanianrussischserbianspanischturkishukrainianLeia também artigos em português para o Brasil!Caso Litvinenko: Polícia confirma sinais de polônio na Alemanha Investigadores detectam sinais de polônio 210 na casa da ex-mulher de Dimitri Kovtun, um empresário que teve contato com Alexander Litvinenko, morto em Londres depois de ser contaminado com o material radioativo. »Mehr zu: title"ComentárioFeedback: Fale conosco © 2006 Deutsche Welle Impressum-->ExpedienteImagem do diaDW-TVVideo: Vídeo ao vivo Curso para o celularPelo celular e pela internet: Guia da língua para turistas e para fãs do futebol.Externer Link, öffnet in neuem Fenster: Alemão móvelVersão em portuguêsAtlas de dialetos Conheça as principais variantes regionais do alemão. DEUTSCHEWELLEausEEEEEEITHER - "They don't define it this way, and they don't define it the way she does either." - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=314575&goto=newpostDDDDDDICTIONNAIRES, glossaires, lexiques, encyclopédiesGeneralidades. De todo un poco Antiguo francés Astronomía Biografía Cine Citas Cocina Colores Economía Etimología Etnología Filosofía Francés no convencional Historia Informática Jurídicos Mitología Multilingües Música Onomástica Proverbios y refranes Regionalismos Siglas y abreviaturas Terminología especializada. Lengua y literatura francesas Traducción Unión EuropeaELENDSVIERTELELIPSE - Ils étaient des milliers serait préférable. Et les fonctionnaires des Chemins de fer s'affairaient plutôt que se déployaient. Enfin je trouve que ça sonne mieux Pour la dernière phrase, pour insister un peu plus, on peut dire "ils arrivaient à travailler 16h dans la même journée". - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=313458&goto=newpost"ils arrivaient à travailler 16h" en laissant l’ellipse au lecteur Non, il faudra obligatoirement ajouter dans la même journée ou, si tu veux plus court: par jour, ou encore d´affilée/de suite.Ou changer la structure et dire: ils faisaient des journées (de travail) de 16 heures.EMBARRASSMENT -:oEmbarrassmentEMENDAS E SMILES -:cross:Cross:tick:Tick:warn:Warn:)Smile:(Frown;)Wink:confused:Confused:DBig Grin:oEmbarrassment:eek:EEK!:mad:Mad:rolleyes:Roll Eyes (Sarcastic):cool:Cool:pStick Out Tongue:warning:Warning:thumbsup:Thumbsup:thumbsdowThumbsdown:idea:Idea:arrow:ArrowENTER contracts -faire des contractes. - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=307061&goto=newpostERACHTENENTRONCAMENTO - 26th November 2006 Entroncamento http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=307059&goto=newpost http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=306303&goto=newpost10:39 AM FranParisERRO - :cross:View Full Version : Avoir Du ParfumESTUDO espanhol há dois anos - 1. Hace dos años que estudio español. I have been studying Spanish for two years - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=314569&goto=newpostFFFFFFAIT - du fait même - Dans votre phrase, tout ce qui suit du fait même est la cause de : empêche...C´es équivalent à: justement / précisément parce qu' eFORUMnupill LITERATURA - INFORMÁTICA- LINGUÍSTICA - Para:spielenschach@yahoo.com.brAssunto:Detalhes da conta para José Patrício no Nupill - Núc leo de Pesquisas em Informática, Literatura e Lingüí sticaData:Sun, 10 Dec 2006 16:19:29 +0200De:"Site do Nupill" Adicionar endereçoOlá José Patrício,Agradecemos o seu registo no site Nupill - Núcleo de Pesquisas emInformática, Literatura e Lingüística. A sua conta pessoal foi criada masterá de ser ativada antes de a poder utilizar.Para ativar a sua conta pessoal clique no link seguinte ou copie e coleno seu navegador:http://www.nupill.org/index.php?option=com_registration&task=activate&activation=a3876ba0c26bac78b2f6eb9e13928d40Depois da ativação você pode efetuar a autenticação nohttp://www.nupill.org/ utilizando o Nome de Utilizador e a senhaindicados abaixo:Nome de Utilizador - spielenschachSenha - xadrezFORUMINFORMÁTICABABOO - De:forum@baboo.com.br Adicionar endereçoPara:spielenschach@yahoo.com.brAssunto:Utilize este email para ativar o seu registro.Data:Sun, 10 Dec 2006 12:09:24 -0200Por favor clique neste link para ativar o seu registro no Fórum do BABOO: http://www.babooforum.com.br/idealbb/register/register.asp?mode=verify&uid=616283&username=spielenschachSeu código de ativação:616283Para futuras referências:Seu login: spielenschachSua senha: xadrezFROM ... to - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=317062&goto=newpostGRAMÁTICAESP- estaba - Chaine Emploi; Gramática española (Collège / lycée); Gramática francesa;[PDF]Enlaces - livre du professeur; pesquisa - Google Discussiegroepen : alt.language.spanishGRAMMAIREfr - RECHERCHE - RECHERCHE - neque (ne...que )Banque de dépannage linguistique - ; Gramática francesaNe... que ;Manuel de grammaire française en ligne - Synapse Développement ... ;FrenchFrench Idiomatic Expressions · French Word Walls · French Oral Activities ... Phrases illustrées au sujet de Freddie la grenouille avec des activités. ...www.abcteach.com/directory/languages/french/ - 37k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantesHURT - Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. ... - Soy fuerte, pero es fácil hacerme daño - I am strong but it’s easy to hurt me (esto es correcto, pero por estilo prefiero "I am strong but easily hurt") - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=318612&goto=newpostIIIIIIDEA -:idea:IdeaIMMENSE, adj. - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=313458&goto=newpostKKKKKLLLLLLE temps - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=306303&goto=newpostLIXO, recolha de - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=315878&goto=newpostMMMMMMAJESTÄTMAL, fazer - Don't hurt/abuse me! http://forum./wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=293715&goto=newpostMASCULINO ou feminino? - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=301205&goto=newpost - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=314569&goto=newpostME - Hace cinco años que me gradué de la escuela secundaria. http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=314569&goto=newpostMENSAGEM - assunto - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=311744&goto=newpostMIENTRAS - Si en lugar de "cuando" dices "mientras", siguen siendo posibles los dos tiempos, pero ahora "estaba" tiende a sonar mejor, porque el "mientras" ya nos indica una acción que se extiende en el tiempo. http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=317993&goto=newpostMONTANHA – A montanha pariu um rato – tanto barulho para nada – La montagne a accouché d'une souris.– 'To make a mountain out of a molehill' is to make a big fuss about something that doesn't really have that much importance. (Parece-me que a expressão em inglês "to make a mountain out of a mole-hill" corresponderia mais "fazer tempestade em copo d'água" e não se ancaixaria no contexto apresentado pelo Ysem.) - Much ado about nothing – http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=223328&goto=newpostMUST - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=304976&goto=newpost- For me ‘patrones’ sounds better, as it would sound better ‘patterns’ of growth.http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=293711&goto=newpostOpinions…NNNNNNA - 2. Hace cinco años que me gradué de en la escuela secundaria.I graduated High school five years ago. - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=314569&goto=newpostNEQUEab (ne...que) -1 Ne… que…Contrairement aux synonymes seulement, juste…, la restriction est toujours marquée par deux termes : que et ne (ou parfois de rien). ...grammaire.reverso.net/index_alpha/Fiches/Fiche313.htm - 8k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantesneg4: alternate forms (2) ne ... aucun, ni ... ni, queEt aujourd'hui, Tammy ne m'a ni téléphoné ni écrit un e-mail. ... Ne ... que is used to express a restriction. It is usually translated as 'only'. ...www.laits.utexas.edu/tex/gr/neg4.html - 26k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantesPodcast français facile: exercice : ne ... que / seulementAujourd’hui, nous allons faire un petit exercice pour utiliser « ne… que » et « seulement ». ... Il ne boit que de l’eau du robinet, pas d’eau minérale. ...www.podcastfrancaisfacile.com/podcast/2006/11/exercice_ne_que.html - 12k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantesBanque de dépannage linguistique - Ne... queLorsque l’adverbe ne est suivi de la conjonction que, il indique une restriction et ... Par ailleurs, on peut nier la restriction exprimée par ne… que en ... - 18k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantesExercise 17F: La restriction: l'expression ne... queSubstituez ne... que à seulement; il faut réécrire la phrase toute entière: This activity contains 8 questions. Question 1 ...wpscqa.prenhall.com/ca_ph_parmentier_enbons_7/0,5582,1784761-content,00.utf8.html - 43k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantesNE définition NENE définiton de NE : C'est l'acronyme de Non Entrelacé. Qualifie un affichage dans lequel toutes les lignes sont rafraîchies. C'est un procédé qui évite que ...dictionnaire.phpmyvisites.net/definition-NE-8793.htm - 18k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantesNE définition NENE définiton de NE : A la fin d'une URL, signale que le site est basé au Niger.dictionnaire.phpmyvisites.net/definition-Ne-8792.htm - 17k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantesYahoo! Questions/Réponses - où trouver un copin(ne) que cuisine ...4 answers - Yahoo! Questions/Réponses - où trouver un copin(ne) que cuisine bien? pour des recettes originales?fr.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061119034317AAaM8AL - 76k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantesOn ne vit que deux fois : avis de consommateurs, comparateur de ...Lisez des avis de consommateurs et comparez les prix de On ne vit que deux fois.www.ciao.fr/On_ne_vit_que_deux_fois__93163 - 58k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantesMachaut: Quant Theseus / Ne quier veoirVeoir ne quier la dorée toison Ne les Yndes ne de Rouge Mer onde, ... Ne quier veoir la biauté d'Absalon Ne d'Ulixès le sens et la faconde, ...www.medieval.org/emfaq/composers/machaut/b34.html - 7k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantesLES VACCINATIONS CONTRE LES GASTRO-ENTERITES DIARRHEIQUES DU VEAU ...LES VACCINATIONS CONTRE LES GASTRO-ENTERITES DIARRHEIQUES DU VEAU NOUVEAU-NE: QUE PEUT-ON EN ATTENDRE. F SCHELCHER, H BICHET, J-F VALARCHER, G FOUCRAS, ...cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=10380035 - Páginas semelhantes1 Ne explétifOn appelle ne explétif l’adverbe ne que l’on utilise sans que sa ... Ce ne explétif n’a pas de sens négatif ; il est à distinguer de la négation ne… pas. ...grammaire.reverso.net/index_alpha/Fiches/Fiche312.htm - 19k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes[PDF]Ne / n' ... aucun(e) + noun conveys the idea of 'absolutely no ...Formato do ficheiro: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Ver em HTMLpreceded by ne (or n' in front of a vowel or a mute h). ... Ne ... que is used to express a restriction. It is usually translated as 'only'. ...www.laits.utexas.edu/tex/pdf/neg4.pdf - Páginas semelhantesNe - WordReference ForumsNe Français Seulement. ... Ce ne peut être l'expérience car nos sens nous trompent parfois et cela rend douteuse cette source de connaissance. ...forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=103484 - 52k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantesFrench language drill from Dialogue intensive Frenchne pas ... que = ne pas seulement, Il n'y a pas que ça, =, Il n'y a pas seulement ça, ... "Ce n’est pas de ma faute (Je ne suis pas coupable, responsable). ...www.dialogue-languages.com/langues/francais/grammaire/grammar199904.html - 23k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantesNegatives 2 - "Ne...Que"Negatives 2 - "Ne...Que". Please remember to CHECK each answer before proceeding! ... Transformez ces phrases en utilisant "ne...que". ...www.brown.edu/Departments/French/resources/Elfeexos/elfe/exercise560.htm - 18k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantesNegatives 2 - "Ne...Que" with Object Pron.--PeopleTransformez les phrases suivantes en utilisant "ne...que". Suivez le modèle. Question: Je te parle. Answer: Je ne parle qu'à toi. ...www.brown.edu/Departments/French/resources/Elfeexos/elfe/exercise561.htm - 18k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantes[ Mais resultados de www.brown.edu ]Négation - Exercices FLELa négation › ne ... jamais, ne ... plus, ne ... rien etc. ... 13, vidéo audio exercice Il ne mange rien, il ne sort jamais. 2, Canal Rêve / Didier ...www.lepointdufle.net/p/negation.htm - 32k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantesNégation • Le Point du FLE • Grammaire du français - Exercices ...8, exercice Transformer : Je joue aux cartes > Je ne joue pas aux cartes. ... La négation › ne ... jamais, ne ... plus, ne ... rien etc. ...www.lepointdufle.net/negation.htm - 8k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantesLibnanews: « Les tensions libano-syriennes ne que servir l’ennemi ...Voici les sites qui parlent de « Les tensions libano-syriennes ne que servir ... Ceux qui seront jugés diffamants ou hors sujets ne seront pas publiés ...www.libnanews.com/2006/10/les_tensions_li.html - 39k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantesNEQUEaus (ne...que)NEITHER- http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=314575&goto=newpost…nor -Originally Posted by spielenschach " Neiher do they do that, nor do they define it exactly as she does.” "This would be the correct grammatical structure if you wnated to use "neither...nor."-OOOOOON - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=311748&goto=newpost - Reply to post 'human community' PPPPPPARTICÍPIO passado -http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=304928&goto=newposthttp://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=304928&goto=newpostPERCEBER - perceber - se rendre compte - to perceive - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=312789&goto=newpostPARTICÍPIOS PRESENTES, DOIS -http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=304941&goto=newpostPONTO de interrogação - ¿qué podía decir?; ¿?◄●PORlePAYER - se payer la tête - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=312789&goto=newpostPORTUGUÊS :- "Far western" - Extremo ocidente●- http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=304973&goto=newpost problems with Portuguese dec-sev http://forum.wordreference.com/private.php●Outsider http://forum.wordreference.c/sôtôr - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=310531&goto=newpostom/showthread.php?t=307059&goto=newpostMPS DE MANGER -vbmenu_register("postmenu_1843712", true); ●●03:21 PM dec-sev:)SmilePRETERITO Imperfecto (Copretérito) y Pretérito(Pretérito Indefinido) - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=317993&goto=newpostPROGRESSIVE form -I have been studying Spanish for two years. - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=314569&goto=newpostPROTECÇÃO do marido em relação à mulher - COVERTURE - husband protection concerning the married woman - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=307069&goto=newpostRRRRRRASURADO - dans leREGULAMENTOFRANCÊS - RÈGLEMENTDUFORUM "FRANÇAISSEULEMENT" -Announcement: Règle concernant les devoirs scolairesCliquez ici.23rd April 2006 OlivierG (Temperantia mod est)Temperantia mod estREALIZAR – SE - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=304961&goto=newpost RECHERCHE - RECHERCHE - Banque de dépannage linguistique - Ne... queSSSSSSE payer la tête - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=312789&goto=newpostSE trouver La conjugaison - Conjugaison du verbe se trouverLa conjugaison du verbe se trouver et ses synonymes.SEGUNDA via - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=312774&goto=newpostSEGUIDILLASEGURDO - Policyholder - aseguradohttp://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=292813&goto=newpostSKI - jump - "Pert" with respect to a nose usually means dainty and up-turned (hence the reference to a ski-jump).http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=304990&goto=newpostSONETOSDECAMÕES - Mada Mada Dane Myblog.frSUPERLATIVO - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=307059&goto=newpost MPS DE MANGER - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=306303&goto=newpostTEMPESTADE - TEMPESTADE – A montanha pariu um rato – tanto barulho para nada – La montagne a accouché d'une souris.– 'To make a mountain out of a molehill' is to make a big fuss about something that doesn't really have that much importance.( Parece-me que a expressão em inglês "to make a mountain out of a mole-hill" corresponderia mais "fazer tempestade em copo d'água" e não se ancaixaria no contexto apresentado pelo Ysem.) - Much ado about nothing – http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=223328&goto=newpostTERMINADO, dar por - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=312850&goto=newpostTÊTE - se payer la tête - http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=312789&goto=newpostTOUT - [PDF]1. tout as an adjective 2. tout as a pronoun 3. tout as an adverb ...Formato do ficheiro: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Ver em HTML4. tout in common idiomatic phrases. 'tout' as an adjective. Tout means 'all' or 'every' when it ... Here is a list of common idiomatic phrases with tout: ...TRADUÇÕES - JornaldaAPT[PDF]Jornal da APTFormato do ficheiro: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Ver em HTMLVariante de Comunicação Intercultural e. Tradução da Faculdade de Letras da ... Associação Portuguesa de Tradutores / CIAL - Lingua Service International ...UUUUUUP - turned - "Pert" with respect to a nose usually means dainty and up-turned (hence the reference to a ski-jump).http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=304990&goto=newpostVVVVVVERBOS pronomiais fr - La conjugaison - Conjugaison du verbe se trouverLa conjugaison du verbe se trouver et ses synonymes.WWWWWWARNING -:warning:Warning
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
●SITES......SITE:......http://sitessites.blogspot.com/......Índice:...BLOGGERS & Cª.: October 2006COUSAS&LOUSAS2●DIC ABC FRANCÊS DIC ABC FRANCÊS DICIONÁRIODEESPANHOLDESINÓNIMOSEANTÓNIMOS DICIONÁRIODEESPANOLINGLÊSESPANHOLFRANCÊSEVICEVERSAMEDICINA●DICIOÁRIOS DE INGLÊS PORTINGPORTab PORTINGPORTausMSN GroupsEsta semana em VozDiStudanti1 Out8KB●DICIONÁRIOS VÁRIOSab VÁRIOSaus●DICIONÁRIOSfr●Entroncamento Le trainLe train, L'endroit et Les Hommes.THE LEAF - A FOLHA... Les Hommes. Entroncamento, baptisé la capitale du train, peut ... fait ville. En servant Entroncamento ils ont servi et ont honoré le Portugal ... de Royaume Uni du Portugal et du Brésil ...josepatriciokultinho1.blogspot.com - 749k - En cache - Plus de pages de ce site - Enregistrer - Bloquer●BLOGGERS & Cª.: October 2006Site: - http:// inglesformacao.blogspot.com ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ TITLE – PROVÉRBIOS – T – 16 ...bloggersca.blogspot.com/2006_10_01_bloggersca_archive.html - 25k - Em cache - Páginas semelhantesFONÉTICAFONÉTICA●FORUNS - INFORMÁTICA (FÓRUMDOBABOOETCab FÓRUMBABOOETCaus) - WORDREFERENCEFORUNS WORDREFERENCEab WORDREFERENCEaus●IS PORTUGAL A HEADSTRONG COUNTRY? ISPORTUGALA●ISLA PÁGINA DE APOIO LINGUÍSTICO ISLASe tiver uma dúvida de alemão, poderá encontrar aqui frases tiradas de jornais, ... Não tem um corrector ortográfico de língua portuguesa à mão? ...●http://sitessites.blogspot.com/kultinho1.blogspot.comjosepatriciokultinho1.blogspot.com THE LEAF - A FOLHA... Les Hommes. Entroncamento, baptisé la capitale du train, peut ... fait ville. 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Las mujeres de la clase elevada tenían más oportunidad de educarse.Una mujer educada tenía la potencia la fuerza de trastornar el orden social ya establecido.Algunos escritores se tratan del tema de educación en sus dramas.Last edited by spielenschach : Today at 12:37 AM.spielenschachView Public ProfileSend a private message to spielenschachSend email to spielenschachFind all posts by spielenschachAdd spielenschach to Your Buddy List#6 Yesterday, 08:40 PMWORDREFERENCEausINFORMÁTICA (FORUM DO BABOOETCab)Adicionando programas na instalação do windows xp com Nlite.Eu abri o cab e vi que não tem o arquivo wllogin.msi será que não seria est o problema. 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See home page for more information. ...www.notam02.no/~hcholm/altlang/ht/Portuguese.html - 15k -Em cache - Páginas semelhantesPORTINGPORTAUSUTILIZADORFRabDiscussion Utilisateur:SchachspielerUn article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.Aller à : navigation, RechercherAnalyse automatique de vos créations (V1) [modifier]Bonjour.Je suis Escalabot, un robot dressé par Escaladix. Je fais l'analyse quotidienne de tous les articles créés deux jours plus tôt afin de détecter les articles sans catégories, en impasse et/ou orphelins.Les liens internes permettent de passer d'un article à l'autre. Un article en impasse est un article qui ne contient aucun lien interne et un article orphelin est un article vers lequel aucun article encyclopédique, donc hors portail, catégorie, etc., ne pointe. Pour plus de détails sur les liens internes, vous pouvez consulter cette page.Les catégories permettent une classification cohérente des articles et sont un des points forts de Wikipédia. 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osé Patrício @ 2:52 AM 0 comments
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October 2006
ashes in your mouth means nothing to you anymore – já não significa nada
Right here, right there, over here, over there
tax mt bonita baneka...
xá comigo!
Derrick derrick _
hasta que + subjuntivo
beneath contempt
. Passer la journée?...
synonyms of aspect
Tax effect
nail track
People is/are ( 1 2)
have been brought to a complete halt
Consejo de Rectores
There's something wrong with ~
home audio duplication
To search vs. to look for vs. to seek
ruido de fondo
how soon
"up" despues del verbo
regole di pronuncia/ regras de pronunciacao
I haven't seen you in a while....
Botar chapa quente pra gente dançar?
Baladeiro e modernoso
Mrs - Mr
"renvoyer quelqu'un"
DEUS, FRASES SOBREna vida passo muito bem sem Deus, mas enquanto ser humano sofredor
Received pronunciation of Brazilian Portuguese?
Porque, porquê e por que
Pronouncing the r in rodar ( 1 2)
definição de 'liquid hang up'
take care
Prisão ? Palavra com que sentido
Reflexive use: eu vou embora vs eu vou me embora
sector public liabilities
cupboard for shoes
consulterSello del comercio justo
Cravo de carne
"dar um dinheiro" e "pagar"
PRONOMES Naquele link
"Não o/a odeio" ou "Não te odeio"?
Time of the sword
Anybody else x Somebody else
te dona
Excusing oneself
windy lies
This / That
debt buster
the number of gasoline
nail down the basics
Para rodear la paciencia
Cleaning Ladies ^^
quand même
¿qué ó cuál? /
s'est considérablement renforcé
la barre des 50 %
Uso da vírgula em um caso particular
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Resources- Recursos
Suggestions welcome. (Please, PM Lems ou Vanda)a. Dicionários e conjugador de verboshttp://www.wordreference.com/. – vários dicionárioshttp://www.priberam.pt/dlpo/dlpo.aspx - Língua Portuguesa (português europeu) Conjugação de mais de 13.000 verboshttp://dictionaries.travlang.com/EnglishPortuguese/ - English-Portuguese http://www.majstro.com/Web/Majstro/frames.php?gebrTaal=eng - English-Portuguese http://www2.uol.com.br/michaelis/ -Língua Portuguesawww.freedict.com/onldict/por.html - Inglês- Portuguêshttp://www.sk.com.br/sk-fals.html - falsos cognatoshttp://www.ultralingua.net/ - Inglês – Português http://www.majstro.com/ - multilíngüehttp://www.portcult.com/11.DICT1.htm - glossário de português europeu e brasileiro http://www.ipv.pt/anglicismos/angl_a.htm - anglicismoshttp://www.priberam.pt/dcvpo/dcvpo.aspx - dicionário de português caboverdianohttp://www.agal-gz.org/estraviz/ - dicionário galegohttp://www.agal-gz.org/modules.php?name=Encyclopedia&op=terms&eid=3<r=A - dicionário galego de fraseologiahttp://www.lusografia.org/carlosdurao/contrastivo-L.htm - dicionário contrastivo galego-portuguêshttp://acdc.linguateca.pt/index.html/ - corpora da língua portuguesahttp://alcor.concordia.ca/~vjorge/Thesaurus/C/co.html - thesaurus da língua portuguesab. Outros dicionários e glossárioshttp://forum.wordreference.com/forumdisplay.php?f=39 - vários glossários multilíngüehttp://www.linguateca.pt/lex_esp.html - dicionários e glossários bilingües, multilíngües sobre uma variedade de temas! http://www.abolsamia.pt/glossario/ingles_AF.asp - glossário técnicohttp://www.demec.ufmg.br/disciplinas/ema003/dictermo.htm- dicionário técnico ing/porthttp://www.direitonet.com.br/dn/lista?conf=24- glossário jurídicohttp://www.thectr.com/glossary/portuguese.htm- glossário de termos de mercado de opçõeshttp://www.fao.org/aims/ag_intro.htm - glossário técnico (agricultura, alimentos, meioambiente e outros).http://www.fao.org/biotech/find-form-n.asp - glossário de biotecnologiahttp://www.mbonline.com.br/dicionario/dicionario_p.htm - glossário de informáticahttp://www.lexicon.adp.com/- glossário de recursos humanos - multilíngüehttp://www.areaindigena.hpg.ig.com.br/dicionario.htm - pequeno dicionário tupi-guaranihttp://www.vinhoverde.pt/PT/vinhoverde/glossario/glossario.asp?letra=A - glossário sobre vinhohttp://www.academiadovinho.com.br/biblioteca/glossari.htm - glossário sobre vinhohttp://www.uni-graz.at/~katzer/engl/index.html - Glossário de temperos (spices)c. expressões idiomáticas, gírias e palavras de baixo calãohttp://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=127859 – Expressões nacionais e regionais brasileiras e portuguesashttp://geocities.yahoo.com.br/brumaximus/dicceara.html - Dicionário do Ceará (nordestino)http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Quadrant/6996/dicionariodegirias.htm - Gíriashttp://www.cruiser.com.br/giria/- Gíriashttp://natura.di.uminho.pt/~jj/pln/calao/dicionario.pdf - dicionário alternativo http://www.notam02.no/~hcholm/altlang/ht/Portuguese.html - dicionário alternativo http://www.brazil-brasil.com/pages/4letter.htm - glossário alternativo d. Frases básicas / Phrasebook e sons do português europeu e brasileirohttp://www.omniglot.com/writing/portuguese.htm - listen to the Portuguese alphabet (including consonants, diphthongs, triphthongs sounds)http://www.smartphrase.com/Portuguese/po_general_words_phr.shtml - glossário de frases básicas http://www.easyportuguese.com/ - português básico http://www.myvox.com.br/ – frases com áudio http://www.mailxmail.com/curso/idiomas/portugues/capitulo1.htm - português básicohttp://www.oddcast.com/home/demos/tts/frameset.php?frame1=talk – digite e ouça sua palavra http://actor.loquendo.com/actordemo/ - digite e ouça sua palavrahttp://www.1destinyproductions.com/brazilportuguese.php - ouça português europeu e brasileirohttp://pt.wiktionary.org/wiki/Apêndice:Guia_de_pronúncia - lista de sons do portuguêshttp://www.instituto-camoes.pt/cvc/contomes/ - ouça textos em português europeuhttp://www.radames.manosso.nom.br/gramatica/fonemas.htm - fonemas da língua portuguesahttp://demo.acapela-group.com/- escreva e ouça português europeu
Last edited by Vanda : 23rd October 2006 at 01:29 PM.
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21st June 2006, 11:22 PM
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ModTeresa de Beagá
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Re: Resources- Recursos
Acentuação - Caracteres ASCII Tabela de acentos e caracteres especiais.http://portuguese.typeit.org/ - acentuação para português e outras línguashttp://dawn.thot.net/cd/3.html -como acentuar em português, francês, espanhol e italianohttp://puzzles.about.com/library/weekly/aa000508.htm?iam=sherlock_abc - acrônimos/ inglês Curiosidades linguísticas http://www.estacaodaluz.org.br/ - museu da língua portuguesahttp://revistalingua.uol.com.br/ - revista da língua portuguesaMídia: rádios e outroshttp://radio.musica.uol.com.br/canais.jhtm?estilo=bossanova - rádio on-line, vários estiloshttps://www.jumptv.com/en/channel/bandtv_g/- online television networkwww.radios.com.br/ - rádios http://www.radiocubik.com/ - rádio http://www.jbfm.com.br/ - rádio http://www.wwitv.com/ - TVhttp://www.radio.usp.br/aovivo.php - rádio http://www.buscamp3.com.br/radiobr.asp - rádio mp3www.cinemabrasil.org.br/roteiroteca/index.html - Roteiros de filmes brasileirosCulturahttp://www.hkocher.info/minha_pagina/port/port_q14.htm - provérbios portugueses e brasileiroshttp://www.brasilchannel.com.br/brasil/index.asp?area=folclore - folclore brasileiro, danças, festas, lutashttp://www.bibvirt.futuro.usp.br/index.php - livros falados, literaturahttp://virtualbooks.terra.com.br/freebook/freebook_portugues1.htm - virtualbooks, literatura brasileira e portuguesahttp://www.ebooksbrasil.org/nacionais/index.html - e-bookshttp://www.hottopos.com.br/videtur12/proverin.htm - alguns provérbios e expressões traduzidos para o inglêshttp://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Categoria:Culinária_do_Brasil - culinária regional brasileiraLetras de Músicashttp://www.lyrics.com/ - letras em geralhttp://letras.terra.com.br/- letras em geral http://www.bossanova.mus.br/ – bossa nova brasileirahttp://www.azeitao.net/zeca/disc.html canções tradicionais portuguesashttp://www.egeac.pt/festasdelisboa/2002/marchas.htm marchas portuguesashttp://attambur.com/OutrosSons/Portugal/SonsPortugal.htm músicas contemporâneas
Last edited by Vanda : 24th October 2006 at 12:35 PM.
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20th July 2006, 08:01 PM
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ModTeresa de Beagá
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Re: Gramática
Gramáticahttp://www.linguateca.pt/Diana/download/portugisisk.html - português para estrangeiroshttp://www.brazilianportugues.com/index.php?idcanal=105 - Brazilian Portuguesehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazilian_Portuguese - Brazilian Portuguesehttp://www.easyportuguese.com/- português para estrangeiros (with audio)http://educaterra.terra.com.br/sualingua/01/01_pergunte_indice.htm -Dúvidas gramaticais em língua portuguesahttp://www.logosconjugator.org/owa-verb/verba_dba.verba_main.create_lang_page?lang=PT&total_verb=4972 - conjugador de verboshttp://www.inf.ufrgs.br/~emiliano/conver/geral_i.html - paradigma da conjugação verbal portuguesa (site em inglês)http://www.gramaticaonline.com.br/gramatica/gramatica.asp - Gramática on-linehttp://www.portugues.com.br/- gramática (apenas a primeira página é liberada)http://ciberduvidas.sapo.pt/ - dúvidas em português (excelente)http://www.radames.manosso.nom.br/gramatica/preposicao.htm- preposiçõeshttp://www.aclassedapalavra.hpg.ig.com.br/preposi.htm - usos das preposiçõeshttp://www.aclassedapalavra.hpg.ig.com.br/conjun.htm - conjunçõeshttp://www.aclassedapalavra.hpg.ig.com.br/verbo.htm- verbos/ conjugaçõeshttp://www.paulohernandes.pro.br/glossario/indice.html - glossário de gramática e lingüísticahttp://www.rainhadapaz.g12.br/projetos/portugues/gramatica/casos/casos3.html - tira-dúvidashttp://users.ox.ac.uk/~srp/ciberportugues.html - recursos lingüísticoshttp://www.sk.com.br/sk-idiom.html - expressões idiomáticashttp://www.mailxmail.com/curso/idiomas/portugues/capitulo11.htm - site em espanholcorretor ortográficohttp://www.flip.pt/FLiPOnline/tabid/96/Default.aspx - Corretor ortográfico PT BR e PThttp://orangoo.com/spell/- corretor ortográfico
Last edited by Vanda : 16th October 2006 at 06:54 PM.
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24th July 2006, 03:20 PM
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ModTeresa de Beagá
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Re: italiano/ português
http://dictionaries.travlang.com/ItalianPortuguese/- dicionário italiano/ portuguêshttp://www.abolsamia.pt/glossario/italiano_AF.asp - glossário técnico
Last edited by Vanda : 24th July 2006 at 03:53 PM.
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24th July 2006, 03:21 PM
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ModTeresa de Beagá
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Re: francês/português
http://dictionaries.travlang.com/FrenchPortuguese/ - dicionário francês/portuguêshttp://www.wordreference.com/conj/frverbs.asp - conjugador de verbos - francêshttp://www.abolsamia.pt/glossario/fr_pt_AF.asp - glossário técnico
Last edited by Vanda : 28th July 2006 at 01:08 AM.
pour, afin de, avant de, sans, par + infinitive. The infinitive expresses purpose when it is used after pour or afin de (in order to). ...
page: pre4
1. à + infinitive
2. de + infinitive
3. pour, afin de, avant de, sans, par + infinitive
4. après (past infinitive constructions)
The infinitive is the verb form generally used after a preposition in French. À (to) and de (from, about) are the most
common prepositions in French. In many expressions, the choice of the preposition à or de before an infinitive is purely
idiomatic; that is, it is unrelated to meaning. In such cases, one must memorize which preposition is used.
à + i nfiniti ve
When the following verbs are followed by an infinitive, the preposition à is required.
Tex a du mal à trouver l'inspiration. Tex finds it difficult to find inspiration.
aider à, to help to encourager à, to encourage to
s'amuser à, to have fun at s'habituer à, to get used to
apprendre à, to learn to hésiter à, to hesitate to
arriver à, to succeed in, to manage to i nviter à, to invite to
s'attendre à, to expect to se mettre à, to start to
avoir du mal à, to find it difficult to se préparer à, to prepare to
chercher à, to try to, to attempt to renoncer à, to give up
commencer à, to start to réussir à, to succeed at
continuer à/de, to continue to
(either à or de)
servir à, to be used for
se décider à, to make up one's mind to tenir à, to be anxious to, to be eager to
de + i nfiniti ve
When the following verbs are followed by an infinitive, the preposition de is required.
Tex arrête d'écrire, parce qu'il rêve
d'embrasser Tammy.
Tex stops writing, because he is dreaming
of kissing Tammy.
(s')arrêter de, to stop oubli er de, to forget to
choisir de, to choose to permettre (à quelqu'un) de,
to permit someone to
conseil l er de, to advise to persuader de, to persuade to
se contenter de, to content oneself with se presser de, to hurry to
continuer à/de, to continue to
(either à or de)
promettre de, to promise to
décider de, to decide to proposer de, to propose to
s'efforcer de to try hard to, to endeavor to refuser de, to refuse to
essayer de, to try to rêver de to dream of
s'excuser de, to apologize for se soucier de, to care about
fi nir de, to finish se souvenir de, to remember to
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15th October 2005, 03:22 PM
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German resources and tips for writing (ß, ä, ö, ü). NEU - Texte zum Übersetzen
Suggestions and additions welcome - PM me or elroy! Please also report dead links.A translation tool by one of our membersCut and paste German texts into it, then use it to quickly look up words that you are unfamiliar with without having to break your line of thought. The primary dictionary it uses may not have the word with that conjugation or declination, so you may have to alter the word and search again or you can click on one of the other buttons, and search for the word on those sites.A writing tool: You can click on an umlauted letter or ß whenever you need them.Dictionarieshttp://www.dict.cc/ English-Germanhttp://www.ponsline.net/cgi-bin/wb/w.pl - English, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish dictionaryhttp://dict.leo.org/ English-German/German-English, French-German/German-Frenchhttp://www.zdnet.de/downloads/prg/f/w/deNGFW-wc.html - downloadable freeware DE <--> EN, SP dictionary with many functionshttp://pauker.at/deutsch - German bilingual dictionarieshttp://www.dwds.de/?woerterbuch=1&qu=&last_corpus=DWDS - monolingual dictionaryhttp://germazope.uni-trier.de/Projects/WBB/woerterbuecher/dwb/wbgui?lemid=GA00001 - Deutsches Wörterbuch von Jacob Grimm und Wilhelm Grimm (monolingual)http://www.canoo.net/index_en.htmlhttp://wortschatz.uni-leipzig.de/http://www.langenscheidt.de/http://www.lexilogos.com/allemand_langue_dictionnaires.htm - monolingual dictionary plus synonymes http://www.iee.et.tu-dresden.de/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/wernerr/search.sh - New English-German Dictionary - there are more than 190.000 revised translations in this dictionaryhttp://dict.tu-chemnitz.de/ - T Chemnitz – English – German dictionary, with over 182.000 entriesForeignword.com - page of links to mono and bilingual german dictionarieshttp://www.lessan.org/web/all.jsp - German-Arabic, Arabic-English Specialized dictionaries:http://www.du.nw.schule.de/geds/fachbereiche/deutsch/dejsp.htm - juvenile slang http://www.redensarten-index.de/ - a very useful searchable database of idioms and proverbshttp://www.elektronik-kompendium.de/sites/praxis/woerterbuch.php - dictionary of technical termshttp://henked.de/maple/dictionary.htm - math dictionaryhttp://www.englischwoerterbuch-medizin.de/index.php - medicine Encyclopedic referenceshttp://www.brockhaus.de/http://www.wissen.de/c/cachehome.htmlhttp://www.ilexikon.com/http://www.xipolis.net/Monolingual lexiconshttp://www.phillex.de/ - philosophyhttp://www.gesundheit.de/roche/ - medicinehttp://www.wasser-lexikon.de/ - waterhttp://www.natur-lexikon.com/ - naturehttp://www.rpi-virtuell.net/verweise/lexartikel.asp - religionhttp://www.biologie-lexikon.de/Startseite.html - biologyLanguage learninghttp://www.hueber.de/sixcms/list.php?page=index_thehttp://germangrammar.gymliestal.ch/http://german.about.com/ - for students of all levelshttp://german.about.com/library/blworttag.htm - a word a dayhttp://www.germanfortravellers.com/ - crashcourseOnline courseshttp://geocities.com/gene_moutoux/Germain.htm - an online book focused on writing and readinghttp://www.deutsch-lernen.com/ - a free online courseGrammarhttp://german.about.com/library/blgrammatik.htmhttp://www.verbix.com/languages/german.shtml - conjugates German verbshttp://www.wm.edu/modlang/gasmit/grammar/grammnu.html - basic level, with exampleshttp://www.mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au/la/lote/german/materials/grammar/gramlist.htm - online exerciseshttp://www.cas.muohio.edu/~greal/netzgrammatik/grammar.html - declension tableshttp://io.uwinnipeg.ca/~oberle/courses/review.html - essentials of German grammarhttp://www.lsa.umich.edu/german/hmr/ - non-traditional and thorough grammar explanationsRechtschreibreformhttp://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neue_deutsche_Rechtschreibung - Rechtschreibreform in a nutshellhttp://www.rechtschreibreform.com/Woerterliste/peiliste.htm - a very comprehensive critique of the RechtschreibreformPronunciationhttp://www.ex.ac.uk/german/abinitio/pronounce/ - pronunciation tips/audiohttp://www.uiowa.edu/~acadtech/phonetics/# - animation with soundhttp://www.research.att.com/projects/tts/demo.html - synthetic voice representation http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/dictionaries/difficultwords/data/d0010059.html - verbs + pronunciationhttp://www.wm.edu/modlang/gasmit/pronunciation/ - explanation with audio filesCulturehttp://german.about.com/od/culture/http://www.goethe.de/Miscellaneoushttp://www.spiegel.de/kultur/zwiebelfisch/0,1518,332092,00.html - ZwiebelfischPresshttp://www.ftd.de/http://www.welt.de/http://www.zeit.de/http://www.faz.de/http://www.sueddeutsche.de/http://www.spiegel.de/http://www.stern.de/http://www.wiwo.de/http://focus.msn.de/
Last edited by Jana337 : 26th September 2006 at 09:21 PM. Reason: many thanks to Whodunit
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11th June 2006, 03:48 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Native of: Česká republika (čeština)
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Re: German resources and tips for writing (ß, Umlauts)
For computers running Windows:ß: Alt + 225ä: Alt + 132ö: Alt + 148ü: Alt + 129Ä: Alt + 142Ö: Alt + 153Ü: Alt + 154ORß: Alt + 0223ä: Alt + 0228ö: Alt + 0246ü: Alt + 0252Ä: Alt + 0196Ö: Alt + 0214Ü: Alt + 0220For laptops/notebooks:The above + by means of the Fn key, i.e. for example: Fn + u = 4 (since there is no numerical keyboard on the right side of the keyboard)A little easier on the Mac:OPTION + u, then the letter ä, ö, ü, OPTION + s gives ß.
Last edited by Jana337 : 25th August 2006 at 01:23 PM.
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6th September 2006, 04:36 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Native of: Česká republika (čeština)
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Re: German resources and tips for writing (ß, ä, ö, ü)
Folgende Texte stehen für diejenigen zur Verfügung, die Lust zu haben, etwas zu übersetzen. Man muss sich den ausgewählten Text nicht "reservieren" - wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst. Falls Koordinationsprobleme entstehen, werden wir uns etwas einfallen lassen. Übersetzte Texte werden gelöscht und durch neue ersetzt, damit das Angebot einigermaßen abwechslungsreich bleibt. Wer interessante Texte spenden will, möge mir bitte eine PM schicken (höchstens 4 Sätze + die Quelle). Idealerweise sollten hier nicht mehr als 10 Texte stehen, sonst wird die Qual der Wahl für einige von uns unerträglich. Viel Spaß! Napoleon Bonaparte's greatest victoryRegarded as Napoleon Bonaparte's greatest victory, Austerlitz was a sublime trap that destroyed the armies of his enemies Russia and Austria. Tricking his opponents into thinking he was weaker than he actually was, and then calling in nearby reinforcements, Bonaparte initially met the combined Allied army of 85,000 men and 278 guns with just 66,000 men. The French emperor deliberately abandoned a strong central position on the Pratzen Heights and left his right flank weak. The Allies eagerly moved forward to occupy the heights and then weakened the centre to crush the French right. SourceShe burst into the spotlightThe combative Fallaci, 76, who had written about her long battle with breast cancer, returned to the Tuscan capital earlier this month from New York, where she had lived as a near-recluse for decades, to spend her final days, said Italian Red Cross officials who helped arrange ambulance transport to a private clinic in Florence after her flight. Virtually all of the literary energy and passion in her final years were consumed in vehement attacks on a Muslim world she judged to be the enemy of Western civilization. After a decade-long absence from the publishing scene, she burst into the spotlight after the Sept. 11 attacks with a series of blistering essays in which she argued that Muslims were carrying out a crusade against the Christian West. At the time of her death, she was on trial in northern Italy for defamation. SourceDon't disturb my circlesArchimedes invented many machines which were used as engines of war. These were particularly effective in the defense of Syracuse when it was attacked by the Romans under the command of Marcellus. During the Roman siege of Syracuse, he is said to have single-handedly defended the city by constructing lenses to focus the Sun's light on Roman ships and huge cranes to turn them upside down. When the Romans finally broke the siege, Archimedes was killed by a Roman soldier after snapping at him "Don't disturb my circles,'' a reference to a geometric figure he had outlined on the sand. SourceChina has always been plagued with earthquakesChina has always been plagued with earthquakes and the government wanted to know where the economy would be interrupted. A seismograph was developed by the brilliant scientist, mathematician, and inventor Chang Heng (whose works also show he envisaged the earth as a sphere with nine continents and introduced the crisscrossing grid of latitude and longitude). His invention was noted in court records of the later Han Dynasty in 132 CE. Modern seismographs only began development in 1848. SourceThe river has been cleared of any life formsHighly toxic effluents being discharged into the Ravi river for decades has destroyed animals and plants besides endangering the lives of the inhabitants residing along the river banks. Already reduced to a drain of industrial and household waste and made one of the most polluted rivers of the country, the river has been cleared of any life forms for more than 10km downstream Lahore. The Ravi river has become the main victim to the discharge of untreated toxic water and sewer through drains, canals and lak. The river is estimated to receive 47 per cent of the total municipal and industrial discharge pumped into all the rivers of the country. SourceFor centuries, foreign armies have fought over AfghanistanAfghanistan is strategically placed between the Middle East, central Asia and the Indian subcontinent. For centuries, foreign armies have fought over it and tried to conquer it. Many have been defeated by the rugged terrain - mountains cover four-fifths of the land - and fierce resistance from the different tribal groups. Ethnic, religious and regional rivalries and the terrain have also made it hard for the authorities in the capital, Kabul, to rule the country. Source
Last edited by Jana337 : 23rd September 2006 at 07:31 PM. Reason: updated
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6th September 2006, 04:36 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Native of: Česká republika (čeština)
Posts: 10,319
Re: German resources and tips for writing (ß, ä, ö, ü)
Folgende Texte stehen für diejenigen zur Verfügung, die Lust zu haben, etwas zu übersetzen. Man muss sich den ausgewählten Text nicht "reservieren" - wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst. Falls Koordinationsprobleme entstehen, werden wir uns etwas einfallen lassen. Übersetzte Texte werden gelöscht und durch neue ersetzt, damit das Angebot einigermaßen abwechslungsreich bleibt. Wer interessante Texte spenden will, möge mir bitte eine PM schicken (höchstens 4 Sätze + die Quelle). Idealerweise sollten hier nicht mehr als 10 Texte stehen, sonst wird die Qual der Wahl für einige von uns unerträglich. Viel Spaß! Ein wütendes EichhörnchenEin wütendes Eichhörnchen hat im westenglischen Cheltenham eine Wohnung verwüstet und einen Schaden von mehreren tausend Pfund angerichtet. Die Besitzer des Hauses fanden ein zerfetztes Sofa, kaputte Vorhänge und Teppiche sowie umgestürzte Blumentöpfe vor, als sie von einem Wochenendtrip zurückkehrten. Seine Frau und er hätten zuerst an Einbrecher gedacht, sagte der Hausbesitzer am Mittwoch. Kleine Pfotenabdrücke überführten den wahren Täter allerdings schnell. QuelleDie Dumping-Länder von heute sind die Wohlfahrtsstaaten von morgen[Die Marktwirtschaft] führt zu einer globalen Umverteilung von Reichtum, indem sie allen offenen Volkswirtschaften Teilnahmechancen bietet. Sie vertieft die Kontrolle und Bändigung politischer Macht, weil sie freiheitliche, demokratische Rechtsstaaten belohnt und despotische Regime bestraft durch den Entzug von Investitionen, Menschen und Wohlstand. Die Marktwirtschaft, vulgo Kapitalismus, hat in den von ihr befallen Ländern eine umfassende Steigerung der Löhne und des Lebensstandards verursacht, als deren Folge, übrigens auch in den einst gefürchteten Tigerstaaten, Gewerkschaften und Sozialsysteme entstanden. Die Dumping-Länder von heute sind die Wohlfahrtsstaaten von morgen. QuelleBuchdruckAls Johannes Gutenberg im 15. Jahrhundert den Buchdruck erfand, begann ein neues Zeitalter bis dahin ungeahnter Möglichkeiten der Verbreitung von Informationen. Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt konnten Schriften nur durch zeitaufwendiges Abschreiben in begrenzter Anzahl vervielfältigt werden. Gutenberg fügte bewegliche Lettern auf einer Druckplatte zu einem Text zusammen, bestrich diese mit Rußfett und druckte sie auf Pergament oder Papier ab - hundertfach, tausendfach. Mit der europäischen Expansion nach Übersee begann der Siegeslauf des Buchdrucks um die Welt. QuelleEs war Anfang Mai und, nach naßkalten Wochen, ein falscher Hochsommer eingefallen.Es war Anfang Mai und, nach naßkalten Wochen, ein falscher Hochsommer eingefallen. Der Englische Garten, obgleich nur erst zart belaubt, war dumpfig wie im August und in der Nähe der Stadt voller Wagen und Spaziergänger gewesen. Beim Aumeister, wohin stillere und stillere Wege ihn geführt, hatte Aschenbach eine kleine Weile den volkstümlich belebten Wirtsgarten überblickt, an dessen Rande einige Droschken und Equipagen hielten, hatte von dort bei sinkender Sonne seinen Heimwegaußerhalb des Parks über die offene Flur genommen und erwartete, da er sich müde fühlte und über Föhring Gewitter drohte, am Nördlichen Friedhof die Tram, die ihn in gerader Linie zur Stadt zurückbringen sollte. Zufällig fand er den Halteplatz und seine Umgebung von Menschen leer. Thomas Mann - Der Tod in VenedigSolarthermische KraftwerkeTatsache ist, dass das Kraftwerk nur entsteht, weil Spanien ähnlich wie Deutschland seit neuestem erneuerbare Energien mit einem besonderen Einspeisepreis alimentiert. Er beträgt 21 Cent pro Kilowattstunde - damit kann die Solarthermie auf der Iberischen Halbinsel gewinnbringend Strom erzeugen. In den USA war der Bundesstaat Kalifornien einfach nur früher auf den Gedanken gekommen, die umweltfreundliche Stromerzeugung besonders zu honorieren. Deswegen gibt es dort seit Mitte der Neunzigerjahre solarthermische Kraftwerke mit einer Gesamtleistung von fast 400 Megawatt. QuelleBach, das WunderkindIm Sommer 1703 trifft eine Kutsche aus Weimar in Arnstadt ein, dem Hauptstädtchen eines Fürstentums am Thüringer Wald. Sie bringt den Musiker, der die neue Orgel der Bonifatiuskirche prüfen und einweihen soll. Spesen, Prüfung und Konzert werden mit rund zehn Talern bestens bezahlt. Er spielt so überzeugend, dass man beschließt, ihm auch gleich die Organistenstelle anzutragen, obwohl er bislang nur als musizierender Lakai in Weimar gearbeitet hat. Quelle
Last edited by Jana337 : 23rd September 2006 at 07:32 PM. Reason: updated
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